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function readonlymode_form_alter in Read only mode 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 readonlymode.module \readonlymode_form_alter()
  2. 6 readonlymode.module \readonlymode_form_alter()

Implements hook_form_alter().

Permit posting of content.


./readonlymode.module, line 63
The Read Ony Mode main module file.


function readonlymode_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  $mode = _readonlymode_form_check($form_id);

    // Check whether the form is a fresh form being served to the user.
    if (!isset($form_state['input']['form_token'])) {

      // If a redirect URL is set, then we redirect to it.
      if ($url = variable_get('site_readonly_url', '')) {
      else {

        // Replace FAPI #after_build handlers with our block form.
        $form['#after_build'] = array(
  $path = current_path();
  if (user_access('readonlymode access forms') && variable_get('site_readonly', FALSE) && $path != 'admin/config/development/maintenance') {
    drupal_set_message(t('The site is currently set to read-only, content moderation is disabled for all users without the "Access all forms while in maintenance" permission. <a href="@link">Go online</a>.', array(
      '@link' => url('admin/config/development/maintenance'),
    )), 'warning', FALSE);
  $form['#validate'][] = 'readonlymode_check_form_validate';