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function evoc_import_vocabulary in RDF Extensions 7.2

2 calls to evoc_import_vocabulary()
evoc_import_form_submit in evoc/
_evoc_install_batch_process in evoc/


evoc/evoc.module, line 50
Allows to import external Vocabularies in order to map them to Drupal data structure.


function evoc_import_vocabulary($vocabulary_uri, $vocabulary_prefix) {

  // Fetch the defined terms and a list of the defined namespaces.
  $fetched_vocab = evoc_fetch_vocabulary($vocabulary_uri, $vocabulary_prefix);
  rdfx_save_terms($vocabulary_uri, $vocabulary_prefix, $fetched_vocab);

  // Refresh the static variable that holds the array of namespaces.

  //_evoc_save_rdf_terms($vocabulary_uri, $vocabulary_prefix, $fetched_terms);