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function rb_cck_get_fields in Rules Bonus Pack 6

Helper function to get all fields on the site with single column for storage.


array $requirements: An array with special requirements that must be fulfilled. Options are:

  • multiple: Returns only multiple-value fields.
  • userreference: Returns only userreference fields.
  • all: Forces the function to include even non-sigle column fields.

Return value

array An associative array with key and value set to field machine name.

11 calls to rb_cck_get_fields()
rb_cck_action_copy_field_form in ./rb_cck.module
Configuration form for 'rb_cck_action_copy_field'.
rb_cck_action_copy_multiple_form in ./rb_cck.module
Configuration form for 'rb_cck_action_copy_multiple'.
rb_cck_action_email_userreference_form in ./rb_cck.module
Configuration form for 'rb_cck_action_email_userreference'.
rb_cck_action_force_to_allowed_values_form in ./rb_cck.module
Configuration form for 'rb_cck_action_force_to_allowed_values'.
rb_cck_action_insert_value_multiple_form in ./rb_cck.module
Configuration form for 'rb_cck_action_insert_value_multiple'.

... See full list


./rb_cck.module, line 229
Functions for extending CCK field management with Rules.


function rb_cck_get_fields($requirements = array()) {

  // Get raw data for all configured fields on the site.
  $all_fields = content_fields();
  $allowed_fields = array();

  // Build a base array of fields with exactly one storage column, unless
  // requirements are set to 'all'.
  if (in_array('all', $requirements)) {
    foreach ($all_fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
      $allowed_fields[$field_name] = $field_name;
  else {
    foreach ($all_fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
      if (count($field_info['columns']) == 1) {
        $allowed_fields[$field_name] = $field_name;

  // Run any additional conditions on the field array. Note that we are
  // *removing* fields – not selecting which to keep. This makes it easier to
  // run several requirement tests in sequence.
  if (in_array('multiple', $requirements)) {
    foreach ($allowed_fields as $field_name) {
      if ($all_fields[$field_name]['multiple'] != 1) {
  if (in_array('single', $requirements)) {
    foreach ($allowed_fields as $field_name) {
      if ($all_fields[$field_name]['multiple']) {
  if (in_array('userreference', $requirements)) {
    foreach ($allowed_fields as $field_name) {
      if ($all_fields[$field_name]['type'] != 'userreference') {
  if (in_array('text', $requirements)) {
    foreach ($allowed_fields as $field_name) {
      if ($all_fields[$field_name]['type'] != 'text') {

  // Sort the array and return the whole shebang.
  return $allowed_fields;