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function rb_cck_action_copy_multiple in Rules Bonus Pack 6

Action for 'rb_cck_action_copy_multiple'.


./rb_cck.module, line 578
Functions for extending CCK field management with Rules.


function rb_cck_action_copy_multiple($source, $target, $settings) {

  // Loop through all fields that should be copied.
  foreach ($settings['fields_to_copy'] as $field) {

    // If we shouldn't copy empty fields, don't copy empty fields. (Yeah, you
    // heard me!) Note that we first check the skip_emtpy setting, to avoid
    // running the somewhat heavy rb_cck_field_is_empty function more than
    // necessary.
    if ($settings['skip_empty'] == 0 || !rb_cck_field_is_empty($field, $source)) {
      $target->{$field} = $source->{$field};

  // If we should copy the title, copy the title.
  if ($settings['copy_title']) {
    $target->title = $source->title;

  // Return the target node for saving by Rules.
  return array(
    'target' => $target,