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function hook_raven_filter_alter in Raven: Sentry Integration 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 3.x raven.api.php \hook_raven_filter_alter()

Alter or suppress log messages before they are sent to Sentry.

This hook can be used to alter the captured data before sending to Sentry. The message can be ignored by setting $filter['process'] to FALSE.


array $filter: The parameters passed to the \Drupal\raven\Logger::log() method, as well as the parameters that will be passed to the \Raven_Client::capture() method:

  • level: The log level passed to \Drupal\raven\Logger::log().
  • message: The log message passed to \Drupal\raven\Logger::log().
  • context: The original context array passed to Logger::log().
  • data: Reference to data array to be passed to \Raven_Client::capture().
  • stack: The PHP backtrace to be passed to \Raven_Client::capture().
  • client: The Raven client object.
  • process: If FALSE, the message will not be sent to Sentry.

See also


1 function implements hook_raven_filter_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

raven_test_raven_filter_alter in tests/modules/raven_test.module
Implements hook_raven_filter_alter().
1 invocation of hook_raven_filter_alter()
Raven::log in src/Logger/Raven.php
Logs with an arbitrary level.


./raven.api.php, line 56
Hooks provided by the Raven module.


function hook_raven_filter_alter(array &$filter) {

  // Ignore Sentry logging for certain Rest notices.
  $ignore['rest'] = [
    'Created entity %type with ID %id.',
    'Updated entity %type with ID %id.',
    'Deleted entity %type with ID %id.',
  foreach ($ignore as $channel => $messages) {
    if ($filter['context']['channel'] === $channel && in_array($filter['message'], $messages)) {
      $filter['process'] = FALSE;