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function hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter in Raven: Sentry Integration 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 raven.api.php \hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter()
  2. 7.4 raven.api.php \hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter()
  3. 7.2 raven.api.php \hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter()
  4. 7.3 raven.api.php \hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter()

Alter or suppress breadcrumbs before they are recorded.

This hook can be used to alter breadcrumbs before they are recorded. The breadcrumb can be ignored by setting $breadcrumb['process'] to FALSE.


array $breadcrumb: The parameters passed to the \Drupal\raven\Logger::log() method, as well as the parameters that will be passed to the \Sentry\addBreadcrumb() function:

  • level: The log level passed to \Drupal\raven\Logger::log().
  • message: The log message passed to \Drupal\raven\Logger::log().
  • context: The original context array passed to Logger::log().
  • breadcrumb: Reference to the array to be passed to \Sentry\addBreadcrumb().
  • process: If FALSE, the breadcrumb will not be recorded.

See also


1 invocation of hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter()
Raven::log in src/Logger/Raven.php


./raven.api.php, line 31
Hooks provided by the Raven module.


function hook_raven_breadcrumb_alter(array &$breadcrumb) {

  // Don't record any breadcrumbs.
  $breadcrumb['process'] = FALSE;