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Functions in Raven: Sentry Integration 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_raven_error_filter_alter ./raven.api.php Filter known errors so do not log them to Sentry again and again.
hook_raven_extra_alter ./raven.api.php Provide extra information for logging.
hook_raven_known_php_errors_alter ./raven.api.php Provide the list of known PHP errors.
hook_raven_sanitize_fields_alter ./raven.api.php Alter the array of fields that should be sanitized.
hook_raven_tags_alter ./raven.api.php Provide tags for logging.
hook_raven_user_alter ./raven.api.php Provide user information for logging.
hook_raven_watchdog_filter_alter ./raven.api.php Filter known watchdog entries so do not log them to Sentry again and again.
raven_get_error_levels ./ Returns supported PHP error levels and their labels. 1
raven_init ./raven.module Implements hook_init().
raven_libraries_info ./raven.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
raven_libraries_load ./raven.module Loads Sentry PHP and Raven.js libraries. 2
raven_menu ./raven.module Implements hook_menu().
raven_page_build ./raven.module Implements hook_page_build().
raven_permission ./raven.module Implements hook_permission().
raven_raven_error_filter_alter ./raven.module Implements hook_raven_error_filter_alter().
raven_raven_user_alter ./raven.module Implements hook_raven_user_alter().
raven_requirements ./raven.install Implements hook_requirements().
raven_settings_form ./ Returns set settings form for Raven. 1
raven_uninstall ./raven.install Implements hook_install().
raven_update_7000 ./raven.install Implements hook_update_N().
raven_watchdog ./raven.module Implements hook_watchdog().
_raven_error_handler ./raven.module PHP error handler. 1
_raven_get_client ./raven.module Returns an instance of the Raven PHP client. 4
_raven_get_enabled_error_levels ./raven.module Returns PHP error levels which should be logged. 1
_raven_get_error_handler ./raven.module Returns an instance of the Raven PHP error handler. 2

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