function radiactivity_get_incident_storage in Radioactivity 7
Enter description here ...
unknown_type $field_id:
2 calls to radiactivity_get_incident_storage()
- radioactivity_cron in ./
radioactivity.module - Implementation of hook_cron
- radioactivity_incident_emit in ./
radioactivity.module - Emit the indicental energy of the field
- ./
radioactivity.module, line 101
function radiactivity_get_incident_storage($field_id) {
static $cache = array();
// for instances
static $included = false;
// for base class
static $includes = array();
// for other classes
$field_info = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
$storage = $field_info['settings']['storage'];
$key = $storage . '-' . $field_id;
// make hookable
// if cached?
if (isset($cache[$key])) {
return $cache[$key];
$class = "radioactivity_" . $storage . "_incident_storage";
// main class included?
if (!$included) {
include "storage/radioactivity_incident_storage.php";
$included = true;
// this storage class included?
if (!isset($includes[$storage])) {
include "storage/" . $class . ".php";
$includes[$storage] = true;
// add to cache
if (class_exists($class)) {
$cache[$key] = new $class($field_id);
else {
$cache[$key] = NULL;
return $cache[$key];