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RabbitHolePageRedirectActionTest.php in Rabbit Hole 2.x

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  1. 8 tests/src/Functional/RabbitHolePageRedirectActionTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\rabbit_hole\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\media\Entity\Media;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Test the "Page redirect" action.
 * @requires module token
 * @group rabbit_hole
class RabbitHolePageRedirectActionTest extends BrowserTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $profile = 'standard';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * The behavior settings manager.
   * @var \Drupal\rabbit_hole\BehaviorSettingsManagerInterface
  protected $behaviorSettingsManager;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->behaviorSettingsManager = $this->container
      'action' => 'display_page',
      'allow_override' => TRUE,
    ], 'node_type', 'article');

   * Tests available redirect codes.
  public function testRedirectCodes() {
    $target_entity = $this
    $destination_path = $target_entity
      ->assertPageRedirect($destination_path, $destination_path, 301);
      ->assertPageRedirect($destination_path, $destination_path, 302);
      ->assertPageRedirect($destination_path, $destination_path, 303);

    // TODO: Figure out what should happen on 304 code.
    // $this->assertUrlRedirect(304);.
      ->assertPageRedirect($destination_path, $destination_path, 305);
      ->assertPageRedirect($destination_path, $destination_path, 307);

   * Test available URL patterns.
  public function testRedirectPaths() {
    $test_node = $this
      ->assertPageRedirect('/node', '/node');
      ->assertPageRedirect('', '');
      ->assertPageRedirect('/', '/');
      ->assertPageRedirect('<front>', '/');
      ->assertPageRedirect('/<front>', '/');
      ->assertPageRedirect('internal:/node', '/node');
      ->assertPageRedirect('entity:node/' . $test_node
      ->id(), $test_node
      ->assertPageRedirect('base:robots.txt', '/robots.txt');
      ->assertPageRedirect('route:system.401', '/system/401');

   * Test URL redirect with token value.
  public function testTokenizedUrlRedirect() {

    // Test redirect with default system token.
    $node = $this
      ->set('rh_redirect', '[site:url]');
      ->set('rh_redirect_response', 301);
    $expected_url = Url::fromRoute('<front>');

    // Test more complex scenarios with nested entities.
    // Attach media field to Article content type.
    $storage = FieldStorageConfig::create([
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'field_name' => 'field_related_media',
      'type' => 'entity_reference',
      'settings' => [
        'target_type' => 'media',
      'field_storage' => $storage,
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle' => 'article',
      'label' => 'Related media',
      'settings' => [
        'handler_settings' => [
          'target_bundles' => [
            'document' => 'document',
    $file = $this
    $media = Media::create([
      'bundle' => 'document',
      'name' => $this
      'field_media_document' => $file
    $node = Node::create([
      'title' => $this
      'type' => 'article',
      'field_related_media' => [
        'target_id' => $media
      'rh_action' => 'page_redirect',
      'rh_redirect' => '[node:field_related_media:entity:field_media_document:entity:url]',
      'rh_redirect_response' => 301,
    $expected_url = file_create_url($file

    // Change the file in media entity and verify that destination changed.
    $file2 = $this
      ->createTestFile('second file');
      ->set('field_media_document', $file2
    $expected_url = file_create_url($file2

   * Test fallback action behavior.
  public function testFallbackAction() {
    $content_type = $this
      'type' => mb_strtolower($this
      'action' => 'display_page',
      'allow_override' => TRUE,
      'redirect_fallback_action' => 'access_denied',
    ], 'node_type', $content_type

    // Create a test node with redirect to not-existing field.
    $node1 = $this
      'type' => $content_type
      'title' => $this
      'rh_action' => 'page_redirect',
      'rh_redirect' => '[node:field_related_media:entity:field_media_document:entity:url]',
      'rh_redirect_response' => 301,

    // Default fallback action should be "Access Denied".

    // Create another test node with redirect to invalid URL value and overriden
    // fallback action.
    $node2 = $this
      'type' => $content_type
      'title' => $this
      'rh_action' => 'page_redirect',
      'rh_redirect' => 'invalidscheme:/random',
      'rh_redirect_response' => 301,
      'rh_redirect_fallback_action' => 'page_not_found',

   * Test URL redirects (destination and redirect code).
  protected function assertPageRedirect($destination_path, $expected_path, $redirect_code = 301) {
    $entity = $this
      ->set('rh_redirect', $destination_path);
      ->set('rh_redirect_response', $redirect_code);

   * Creates test node with provided action.
   * @return \Drupal\node\NodeInterface
   *   Test node object.
  protected function createTestNode($action = NULL) {
    $values = [
      'type' => 'article',
    if (isset($action)) {
      $values['rh_action'] = $action;
    return $this

   * Creates test file.
   * @return \Drupal\file\FileInterface
   *   Test file object.
  protected function createTestFile($filename) {

    /** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file */
    $file = File::create([
      'uid' => 1,
      'filename' => "{$filename}.txt",
      'uri' => "public://{$filename}.txt",
      'filemime' => 'text/plain',
      'status' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT,
      ->getFileUri(), $filename);
    return $file;



Namesort descending Description
RabbitHolePageRedirectActionTest Test the "Page redirect" action.