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function file_create_url in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/includes/ \file_create_url()
  2. 4 includes/ \file_create_url()
  3. 5 includes/ \file_create_url()
  4. 6 includes/ \file_create_url()
  5. 7 includes/ \file_create_url()

Creates a web-accessible URL for a stream to an external or local file.

Compatibility: normal paths and stream wrappers.

There are two kinds of local files:

  • "managed files", i.e. those stored by a Drupal-compatible stream wrapper. These are files that have either been uploaded by users or were generated automatically (for example through CSS aggregation).
  • "shipped files", i.e. those outside of the files directory, which ship as part of Drupal core or contributed modules or themes.


string $uri: The URI to a file for which we need an external URL, or the path to a shipped file.

Return value

string A string containing a URL that may be used to access the file. If the provided string already contains a preceding 'http', 'https', or '/', nothing is done and the same string is returned. If a stream wrapper could not be found to generate an external URL, then FALSE is returned.


in drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Use the appropriate method on \Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface instead.

See also





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core/includes/, line 66
API for handling file uploads and server file management.


function file_create_url($uri) {
  @trigger_error('file_create_url() is deprecated in drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Use the appropriate method on \\Drupal\\Core\\File\\FileUrlGeneratorInterface instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
  try {
    return \Drupal::service('file_url_generator')
  } catch (InvalidStreamWrapperException $e) {
    return FALSE;