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function r4032login_redirect in Redirect 403 to User Login 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 r4032login.module \r4032login_redirect()
  2. 7 r4032login.module \r4032login_redirect()

MENU_CALLBACK for /4032login

Redirect anonymous users from 403 Access Denied pages to the /user/login page with a message explaining that they must login to view the requested page and a query string parameter appended to the url to return after login.

1 string reference to 'r4032login_redirect'
r4032login_menu in ./r4032login.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


./r4032login.module, line 57
Redirect denied pages to the user login form.


function r4032login_redirect() {
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid == 0) {
    if (variable_get('r4032login_display_denied_message', TRUE)) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Access denied. You must login to view this page.'), 'error');

    // using drupal_goto() with destination set causes a recursive redirect loop
    header('Location: ' . url('user/login', 'destination=' . drupal_urlencode($_REQUEST['q']), NULL, TRUE), TRUE, 301);
  elseif ($_REQUEST['q'] == 'user/register') {
    print theme('page', theme('r4032login_user_register'));
  else {
    print theme('page', theme('r4032login_denied'));