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function quotes_help in Quotes 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 quotes.module \quotes_help()
  2. 7 quotes.module \quotes_help()

Implementation of hook_help().


./quotes.module, line 1007


function quotes_help($path, $args = NULL) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'node/add#quotes':
      return t('A quote is a famous, infamous, humorous, witty, or otherwise noteworthy quotation or fortune file entry. Quotes can be entered one at a time or mass imported in either tab-separated text or fortune file format.');
    case 'node/add/quotes':
      return t('Use the form below to enter a single quote.') . (user_access('import quotes') ? ' ' . t('Multiple quotes can also be !mass imported in either tab-separted text or fortune file format.', array(
        '!mass imported' => l(t('mass imported'), 'node/add/quotes/import'),
      )) : '');
    case 'node/add/quotes/import':
      $output = t('<p>Use the form below to mass import quotes in either tab-separated text or fortune file format.
        Many quotes will be imported in this one step by creating an individual node for each imported quote.
        Expand the %Notes section below for more information.</p>', array(
        '%Notes' => t('Notes'),
      $output .= theme('fieldset', array(
        '#title' => t('Notes for importing'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        '#value' => t('<ul>
  <li>Tab-separated quotes should appear one quote per line in the format
  <em><span style="color: blue;">quote</span><span style="color: red;">&lt;tab&gt;</span><span style="color:
    green;">author</span></em>. The author and citation are optional; however, the tab is still required.
    To import quotes, authors, or citations with more than one line, escape the embedded newlines with a backslash.

  <pre style="font-size: .75em;">
<span style="color: blue;">Single-line quote.</span><em style="color: red;">&lt;tab&gt;</em><span style="color: green;">Author</span>
<span style="color: blue;">Quote without author.</span><em style="color: red;">&lt;tab&gt;</em>
<span style="color: blue;">Multi-line quote: line 1...\\
...line 2.</span><em style="color: red;">&lt;tab&gt;</em><span style="color: green;">Author line 1\\
Author line 2</span>
<span style="color: blue;">Another quote.<em style="color: red;">&lt;tab&gt;</em><span style="color: green;">Another Author</span>
  <li>Fortune files do not explicitly provide an author or attribution
    for each quote/fortune. This import will extract an author when
    there is a line of the form <em>-- Author</em> with any amount of
    leading whitespace.  Examples:

  <pre style="font-size: .75em;">
<span style="color: blue;">A fortune without an author.</span>
<em style="color: red;">%</em>
<span style="color: blue;">Fortune with author.</span>
--<span style="color: green;">Author</span>
<em style="color: red;">%</em>
<span style="color: blue;">Multi-line fortune: line 1...
...line 2.</span>
          -- <span style="color: green;">Author line 1
             Author line 2</span>
  <li>Any settings used in the form below (comment, moderation, sticky,
    input format, categories, etc.) will be applied to all imported
  <li>The title entered below will be applied to all quotes. You can use
    the variable <em>%id</em> in the title which will be replaced by
    the newly-created quote\'s node ID.</li>
  <li>Fortune files and tab-separated text data can contain many
    quotes. To avoid timeout errors while importing large amounts of
    data, consider importing in smaller chunks with no more than 1000
    quotes at a time.</li>
  <li>If the path module is enabled, you cannot create a path alias
    while importing, as the import will attempt to use the same path
    for every quote.</li>
      return $output;
    case 'admin/settings/quotes':
      $text = t('This page displays the status of, and settings for, the quotes module. The permissions for this module are found <a href="!url">here</a>.', array(
        '!url' => url('admin/user/access'),
      $text .= '<p>Version: ' . QUOTES_VERSION . '</p>';
      return $text;
    case 'admin/settings/quotes/blocks':
      return t('You can define any number of blocks that will each display a randomly-selected quote,
the most-recent quotes, or unpublished quotes. The quotes displayed
in each block can be restricted to certain node IDs, roles, users, or
categories. Each block has a name that is used for identification on
on the !block administration page and as the default title when the
block is displayed.', array(
        '!block administration page' => l(t('block administration page'), 'admin/build/block'),
    case 'admin/settings/quotes/add':
      return t('Use the form below to define a new quote block.');
    case 'admin/help#quotes':
      return t('The quotes module allows users to maintain a list of quotations that
they find notable, humorous, famous, infamous, or otherwise worthy of
sharing with website visitors. The quotes can be displayed in any
number of administrator-defined blocks. These blocks will display
quotes based on the restrictions of each block. Blocks can be
configured to restrict to certain nodes, roles, users, or categories.');
    case 'user/' . arg(1) . '/quotes':
    case 'quotes/author/' . arg(1):
    case 'quotes/author':
    case 'quotes/' . arg(1):
    case 'quotes':
      $links = array();
      if (user_access('create quotes')) {
        $links['add'] = array(
          'title' => t('Add another'),
          'href' => 'node/add/quotes',
      if (user_access('administer quotes')) {
        $links['admin'] = array(
          'title' => t('Settings'),
          'href' => 'admin/settings/quotes',
          'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
      return theme('links', $links);