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QuizTakingTestCase.test in Quiz 7.5

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  1. 7.6 tests/QuizTakingTestCase.test


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class QuizTakingTestCase extends QuizTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Quiz taking'),
      'description' => t('Unit test for Quiz take behaviors.'),
      'group' => t('Quiz'),
  public function setUp($modules = array(), $admin_permissions = array(), $user_permissions = array()) {
    $modules[] = 'multichoice';
    $modules[] = 'quiz_directions';
    $modules[] = 'truefalse';

   * Test the repeat until correct behavior.
   * We also test that the answer is passed to feedback before being discarded.
  public function testQuestionRepeatUntilCorrect() {
    $quiz_node = $this
      'repeat_until_correct' => 1,
      'review_options' => array(
        'question' => array(
          'answer_feedback' => 'answer_feedback',
    $settings = array();
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['answer']['value'] = 'A';
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['answer']['format'] = 'filtered_html';
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['feedback_if_chosen']['value'] = 'You chose A';
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['feedback_if_chosen']['format'] = 'filtered_html';
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['feedback_if_not_chosen']['value'] = '';
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['feedback_if_not_chosen']['format'] = '';
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['score_if_chosen'] = 1;
    $settings['alternatives'][0]['score_if_not_chosen'] = 0;
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['answer']['value'] = 'B';
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['answer']['format'] = 'filtered_html';
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['feedback_if_chosen']['value'] = 'You chose B';
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['feedback_if_chosen']['format'] = 'filtered_html';
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['feedback_if_not_chosen']['value'] = '';
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['feedback_if_not_chosen']['format'] = '';
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['score_if_chosen'] = 0;
    $settings['alternatives'][1]['score_if_not_chosen'] = 0;
    $settings['type'] = 'multichoice';
    $question_node = $this
      ->drupalCreateNode($settings + array(
      'choice_multi' => 0,
      'choice_random' => 0,
      'choice_boolean' => 0,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node, $quiz_node);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node->nid}][answer][user_answer]" => 2,
    ), t('Finish'));
      ->assertText('The answer was incorrect. Please try again.');
      ->assertText('You chose B');

    // Check that we are still on the question.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node->nid}][answer][user_answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Finish'));
      ->assertNoText('The answer was incorrect. Please try again.');

   * Test the quiz resuming from database.
  public function testQuizResuming() {

    // Resuming is default behavior.
    $quiz_node = $this
      'allow_resume' => 1,
      'takes' => 1,

    // 2 questions.
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);

    // Answer a question. Ensure the question navigation restrictions are
    // maintained.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Next'));

    // Login again.

    // We should have been advanced to the next question.

    // Assert 2nd question is accessible (indicating the answer to #1 was
    // saved.)

   * Test the quiz not resuming from database.
  public function testQuizNoResuming() {

    // Resuming is default behavior.
    $quiz_node = $this
      'allow_resume' => 0,
      'takes' => 1,

    // 2 questions.
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);

    // Answer a question. Ensure the question navigation restrictions are
    // maintained.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Next'));

    // Login again.

    // Assert 2nd question is not accessible (indicating the answer to #1 was
    // not saved.)

   * Test the quiz availability tests.
  public function testQuizAvailability() {

    // Anonymous doesn't have 'access quiz' permissions, so login a user that
    // has that permission.
    $future = REQUEST_TIME + 86400;
    $past = REQUEST_TIME - 86400;

    // Within range.
    $quiz_node = $this
      'quiz_always' => 0,
      'quiz_open' => $past,
      'quiz_close' => $future,
      ->assertNoText(t('This @quiz is closed.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ->assertNoText(t('You are not allowed to take this @quiz.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,

    // Starts in the future.
    $quiz_node = $this
      'quiz_always' => 0,
      'quiz_open' => $future,
      'quiz_close' => $future + 1,
      ->assertText(t('This @quiz is not yet open.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ->assertNoText(t('You are not allowed to take this @quiz.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ->assertText(t('This @quiz is not yet open.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,

    // Ends in the past.
    $quiz_node = $this
      'quiz_always' => 0,
      'quiz_open' => $past,
      'quiz_close' => $past + 1,
      ->assertText(t('This @quiz is closed.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ->assertNoText(t('You are not allowed to take this @quiz.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ->assertText(t('This @quiz is closed.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,

    // Always available.
    $quiz_node = $this
      'quiz_always' => 1,
      'quiz_open' => $future,
      'quiz_close' => $past,
      ->assertNoText(t('This @quiz is closed.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ->assertNoText(t('You are not allowed to take this @quiz.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,

   * Test the 'view quiz question outside of a quiz' permission.
  public function testViewQuestionsOutsideQuiz() {

    // Resuming is default behavior.
    $quiz_node = $this
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $user_with_privs = $this
      'view quiz question outside of a quiz',
      'access quiz',

   * Test allow/restrict changing of answers.
  public function testChangeAnswer() {
    $quiz_node = $this
      'review_options' => array(
        'question' => array(
          'score' => 'score',
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);
    $question_node3 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node3, $quiz_node);

    // Answer incorrectly.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 0,
    ), t('Next'));
      ->assertText('Score: 0 of 1');

    // Go back and correct the answer.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Next'));
      ->assertText('Score: 1 of 1');

    // Go back and incorrect the answer.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 0,
    ), t('Next'));
      ->assertText('Score: 0 of 1');

    // Restrict change after answer. Turn auto revisioning off since we need to
    // operate on the same result.
    variable_set('quiz_auto_revisioning', 0);
    $quiz_node->allow_change = 0;

    // Check that the answer cannot be changed.
    $disabled_field = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@id=:id and @disabled="disabled"]', array(
      ':id' => 'edit-question-2-answer-1',
      ->assertTrue($disabled_field, t('The answer cannot be changed.'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Next'));
      ->assertText('Score: 0 of 1');

    // Check allow change/blank behavior.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Leave blank'));
    $disabled_field = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@id=:id and @disabled="disabled"]', array(
      ':id' => 'edit-question-3-answer-1',
      ->assertTrue($disabled_field, t('The blank answer cannot be changed.'));
    $quiz_node->allow_change_blank = 1;
    $disabled_field = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@id=:id and @disabled="disabled"]', array(
      ':id' => 'edit-question-3-answer-1',
      ->assertFalse($disabled_field, t('The blank answer can be changed.'));
  public function testQuizMaxAttempts() {
    $quiz_node = $this
      'takes' => 2,
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 0,
    ), t('Next'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node2->nid}][answer]" => 0,
    ), t('Finish'));
      ->assertText('You can only take this Quiz 2 times. You have taken it 1 time.');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 0,
    ), t('Next'));

    // Make sure we can get back.
      ->assertNoText('You can only take this Quiz 2 times. You have taken it 1 time.');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node2->nid}][answer]" => 0,
    ), t('Finish'));

    // No more attempts.
      ->assertText('You have already taken this Quiz 2 times. You may not take it again.');

   * Test that a user can answer a skipped question.
  public function testAnswerSkipped() {
    $quiz_node = $this
      'allow_skipping' => 1,
      'allow_jumping' => 1,

    // 2 questions.
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);

    // Leave a question blank.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Leave blank'));

    // Fill out the blank question.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Next'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node2->nid}][answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Finish'));
      ->clickLink(t('My results'));

   * Make sure a user can answer or skip an old question's revision.
  public function testAnswerOnOldQuizRevisioning() {
    $question_node1 = $this
      'title' => 'Q 1',
      'body' => array(
        LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
            'value' => 'Q 1',
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
    $quiz_node = $this
    $question_node2 = $this
      'title' => 'Q 2',
      'body' => array(
        LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
            'value' => 'Q 2',
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);
    $question_node1->revision = TRUE;

    // Leave a question blank.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Leave blank'));

    // Submit the question.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 1,
    ), t('Next'));

   * Verify non gradable questions are excluded from counts.
  public function testQuestionCount() {
    $quiz_node = $this
      'review_options' => array(
        'question' => array(
          'score' => 'score',
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'quiz_directions',
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);
    $question_node3 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node3, $quiz_node);
    $question_node4 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node4, $quiz_node);
    $question_node5 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node5, $quiz_node);

   * Test the mark doubtful functionality.
  public function testMarkDoubtful() {
    $quiz_node = $this
      'allow_skipping' => 1,
      'allow_jumping' => 1,
      'mark_doubtful' => 1,

    // 2 questions.
    $question_node1 = $this
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'correct_answer' => 1,
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node1, $quiz_node);
    $question_node2 = $this
      'type' => 'quiz_directions',
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question_node2, $quiz_node);

    // Take the quiz.

    // Ensure it is on truefalse.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][answer]" => 1,
      "question[{$question_node1->nid}][is_doubtful]" => 1,
    ), t('Next'));

    // Go back and verify it was saved.

    // Ensure it is not on quiz directions.



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