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function _quiz_get_terms in Quiz 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 quiz.module \_quiz_get_terms()
  2. 7.6 quiz.module \_quiz_get_terms()
  3. 7 quiz.module \_quiz_get_terms()
  4. 7.4 quiz.module \_quiz_get_terms()

Get data for all terms belonging to a Quiz with categorized random questions.


int $vid: Version id for the quiz.

Return value

array Array with all terms that belongs to the quiz as objects.

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./quiz.module, line 2528
quiz.module Main file for the Quiz module.


function _quiz_get_terms($vid) {
  $sql = 'SELECT, qt.*
    FROM {quiz_terms} qt
    JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} td ON qt.tid = td.tid
    WHERE qt.vid = :vid
    ORDER BY qt.weight';
  return db_query($sql, array(
    ':vid' => $vid,