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function hook_quiz_question_info in Quiz 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.6 quiz.api.php \hook_quiz_question_info()
  2. 8.5 quiz.api.php \hook_quiz_question_info()
  3. 7.6 quiz.api.php \hook_quiz_question_info()

Implements hook_quiz_question_info().

Define a new question type. The question provider must extend QuizQuestion, and the response provider must extend QuizQuestionResponse. See those classes for additional implementation details.

8 functions implement hook_quiz_question_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

long_answer_quiz_question_info in question_types/long_answer/long_answer.module
Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
matching_quiz_question_info in question_types/matching/matching.module
Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
multichoice_quiz_question_info in question_types/multichoice/multichoice.module
Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
quiz_directions_quiz_question_info in question_types/quiz_directions/quiz_directions.module
Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
quiz_page_quiz_question_info in question_types/quiz_page/quiz_page.module
Implements hook_quiz_question_info().

... See full list

1 invocation of hook_quiz_question_info()
quiz_question_get_info in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Get the information about various implementations of quiz questions.


./quiz.api.php, line 75
quiz.api.php Hooks provided by Quiz module.


function hook_quiz_question_info() {
  return array(
    'long_answer' => array(
      'name' => t('Example question type'),
      'description' => t('An example question type that does something.'),
      'question provider' => 'ExampleAnswerQuestion',
      'response provider' => 'ExampleAnswerResponse',
      'module' => 'quiz_question',