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class ScaleQuestion in Quiz 8.4

Extension of QuizQuestion.


Expanded class hierarchy of ScaleQuestion

2 files declare their use of ScaleQuestion
scale.module in question_types/scale/scale.module
The main file for scale.
ScaleResponse.php in question_types/scale/lib/Drupal/scale/ScaleResponse.php
The main classes for the short answer response.


question_types/scale/lib/Drupal/scale/ScaleQuestion.php, line 18
The main classes for the short answer question type.


View source
class ScaleQuestion extends QuizQuestion {

  // $util will be set to true if an instance of this class is used only as a utility
  protected $util = FALSE;

  // (answer)Collection id
  protected $col_id = NULL;

   * Tells the instance that it is beeing used as a utility.
   * @param $c_id - answer collection id
  public function initUtil($c_id) {
    $this->util = TRUE;
    $this->col_id = $c_id;

   * Implementation of saveNodeProperties
   * @see QuizQuestion#saveNodeProperties()
  public function saveNodeProperties($is_new = FALSE) {
    $is_new_node = $is_new || $this->node
      ->isNewRevision() == 1;
    $answer_collection_id = $this

    // Save the answer collection as a preset if the save preset option is checked
    if ($this->node->save == 1) {
    if ($is_new_node) {
      $id = db_insert('quiz_scale_node_properties')
        'nid' => $this->node
        'vid' => $this->node
        'answer_collection_id' => $answer_collection_id,
    else {
        'answer_collection_id' => $answer_collection_id,
        ->condition('nid', $this->node
        ->condition('vid', $this->node

   * Add a preset for the current user.
   * @param $col_id - answer collection id of the collection this user wants to have as a preset
  private function setPreset($col_id) {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
      'uid' => $user
      'answer_collection_id' => $col_id,
      'uid' => $user
      'answer_collection_id' => $col_id,

   * Stores the answer collection to the database, or identifies an existing collection.
   * We try to reuse answer collections as much as possible to minimize the amount of rows in the database,
   * and thereby improving performance when surveys are beeing taken.
   * @param $is_new_node - the question is beeing inserted(not updated)
   * @param $alt_input - the alternatives array to be saved.
   * @param $preset - 1 | 0 = preset | not preset
   * @return
   *  Answer collection id
  public function saveAnswerCollection($is_new_node, array $alt_input = NULL, $preset = NULL) {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $config = \Drupal::config('scale.settings');
    if (!isset($preset)) {
      $preset = $this->node->save;
    $alternatives = array();
    if ($alt_input) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $config
        ->get('scale_max_num_of_alts'); $i++) {
        if (isset($alt_input['alternative' . $i]) && drupal_strlen($alt_input['alternative' . $i]) > 0) {
          $alternatives[] = $alt_input['alternative' . $i];
    else {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $config
        ->get('scale_max_num_of_alts'); $i++) {
        $alternative = 'alternative' . $i;
        if (isset($this->node->{$alternative}) && drupal_strlen($this->node->{$alternative}) > 0) {
          $alternatives[] = $this->node->{$alternative};

    // If an identical answer collection already exists
    if ($answer_collection_id = $this
      ->existingCollection($alternatives)) {
      if ($preset == 1) {
      if (!$is_new_node || $this->util) {
        $col_to_delete = $this->util ? $this->col_id : $this->node->{0}->answer_collection_id;
        if ($col_to_delete != $answer_collection_id) {

          // We try to delete the old answer collection
            ->deleteCollectionIfNotUsed($col_to_delete, 1);
      return $answer_collection_id;

    // Register a new answer collection
    $answer_collection_id = db_insert('quiz_scale_answer_collection')
      'for_all' => 1,

    // Save as preset if checkbox for preset has been checked
    if ($preset == 1) {
      $id = db_insert('quiz_scale_user')
        'uid' => $user
        'answer_collection_id' => $answer_collection_id,

    // Save the alternatives in the answer collection

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($alternatives); $i++) {
        ->saveAlternative($alternatives[$i], $answer_collection_id);

    return $answer_collection_id;

   * Saves one alternative to the database
   * @param $alternative - the alternative(String) to be saved.
   * @param $answer_collection_id - the id of the answer collection this alternative shall belong to.
  private function saveAlternative($alternative, $answer_collection_id) {
    $id = db_insert('quiz_scale_answer')
      'answer_collection_id' => $answer_collection_id,
      'answer' => $alternative,

   * Deletes an answer collection if it isn't beeing used.
   * @param $answer_collection_id
   * @param $accept
   *  If collection is used more than this many times we keep it.
   * @return
   *  true if deleted, false if not deleted.
  public function deleteCollectionIfNotUsed($answer_collection_id, $accept = 0) {

    // Check if the collection is someones preset. If it is we can't delete it.
    $count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {quiz_scale_user} WHERE answer_collection_id = :acid', array(
      ':acid' => $answer_collection_id,
    if ($count > 0) {
      return FALSE;

    // Check if the collection is a global preset. If it is we can't delete it.
    $for_all = db_query('SELECT for_all FROM {quiz_scale_answer_collection} WHERE id = :id', array(
      ':id' => $answer_collection_id,
    if ($for_all == 1) {
      return FALSE;

    // Check if the collection is used in an existing question. If it is we can't delete it.
    $count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {quiz_scale_node_properties} WHERE answer_collection_id = :acid', array(
      ':acid' => $answer_collection_id,

    // We delete the answer collection if it isnt beeing used by enough questions
    if ($count <= $accept) {
        ->condition('id', $answer_collection_id)
        ->condition('answer_collection_id', $answer_collection_id)
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Finds out if a collection already exists.
   * @param $alternatives
   *  This is the collection that will be compared with the database.
   * @param $answer_collection_id
   *  If we are matching a set of alternatives with a given collection that exists in the database.
   * @param $last_id - The id of the last alternative we compared with.
   * @return
   *  TRUE if the collection exists
   *  FALSE otherwise
  private function existingCollection(array $alternatives, $answer_collection_id = NULL, $last_id = NULL) {
    $my_alts = isset($answer_collection_id) ? $alternatives : array_reverse($alternatives);

    // Find all answers identical to the next answer in $alternatives
    $sql = 'SELECT id, answer_collection_id FROM {quiz_scale_answer} WHERE answer = :answer';
    $args[':answer'] = array_pop($my_alts);

    // Filter on collection id
    if (isset($answer_collection_id)) {
      $sql .= ' AND answer_collection_id = :acid';
      $args[':acid'] = $answer_collection_id;

    // Filter on alternative id(If we are investigating a specific collection, the alternatives needs to be in a correct order)
    if (isset($last_id)) {
      $sql .= ' AND id = :id';
      $args[':id'] = $last_id + 1;
    $res = db_query($sql, $args);
    if (!($res_o = $res
      ->fetch())) {
      return FALSE;

     * If all alternatives has matched make sure the collection we are comparing against in the database
     * doesn't have more alternatives.
    if (count($my_alts) == 0) {
      $res_o2 = db_query('SELECT * FROM {quiz_scale_answer}
              WHERE answer_collection_id = :answer_collection_id
              AND id = :id', array(
        ':answer_collection_id' => $answer_collection_id,
        ':id' => $last_id + 2,
      return $res_o2 ? $answer_collection_id : FALSE;

    // Do a recursive call to this function on all answer collection candidates
    do {
      $col_id = $this
        ->existingCollection($my_alts, $res_o->answer_collection_id, $res_o->id);
      if ($col_id) {
        return $col_id;
    } while ($res_o = $res
    return FALSE;

   * Implementation of validateNode
   * @see QuizQuestion#validate()
  public function validateNode(array &$form_state) {

   * Implementation of entityBuilder
  public function entityBuilder(&$form_state) {
    foreach ($form_state['values'] as $key => $value) {
      if (strstr($key, 'alternative')) {
        $this->node->{$key} = $value;
    $this->node->save = $form_state['values']['save'];
    $this->node->add_directly = $form_state['values']['add_directly'];

   * Implementation of delete
   * @see QuizQuestion#delete()
  public function delete($only_this_version = FALSE) {
    if ($only_this_version) {
        ->condition('question_nid', $this->node
        ->condition('question_vid', $this->node
        ->condition('nid', $this->node
        ->condition('vid', $this->node
    else {
        ->condition('question_nid', $this->node
        ->condition('nid', $this->node
      ->deleteCollectionIfNotUsed($this->node->{0}->answer_collection_id, 0);

   * Implementation of getNodeProperties
   * @see QuizQuestion#getNodeProperties()
  public function getNodeProperties() {
    if (isset($this->nodeProperties)) {
      return $this->nodeProperties;
    $props = parent::getNodeProperties();
    $res = db_query('SELECT id, answer, a.answer_collection_id
            FROM {quiz_scale_node_properties} p
            JOIN {quiz_scale_answer} a ON (p.answer_collection_id = a.answer_collection_id)
            WHERE nid = :nid AND vid = :vid
            ORDER BY', array(
      ':nid' => $this->node
      ':vid' => $this->node
    foreach ($res as $res_o) {
      $props[] = $res_o;
    $this->nodeProperties = $props;
    return $props;

   * Implementation of getNodeView
   * @see QuizQuestion#view()
  public function getNodeView() {
    $content = parent::getNodeView();
    $alternatives = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < \Drupal::config('scale.settings')
      ->get('scale_max_num_of_alts'); $i++) {
      if (isset($this->node->{$i}->answer) && drupal_strlen($this->node->{$i}->answer) > 0) {
        $alternatives[] = check_plain($this->node->{$i}->answer);
    $content['answer'] = array(
      '#markup' => theme('scale_answer_node_view', array(
        'alternatives' => $alternatives,
      '#weight' => 2,
    return $content;

   * Implementation of getAnsweringForm
   * @see getAnsweringForm($form_state, $rid)
  public function getAnsweringForm(array $form_state = NULL, $rid) {
    $form = parent::getAnsweringForm($form_state, $rid);

    //$form['#theme'] = 'scale_answering_form';
    $options = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < \Drupal::config('scale.settings')
      ->get('scale_max_num_of_alts'); $i++) {
      if (isset($this->node->{$i}) && drupal_strlen($this->node->{$i}->answer) > 0) {
        $options[$this->node->{$i}->id] = check_plain($this->node->{$i}->answer);
    $form['tries'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => t('Choose one'),
      '#options' => $options,
    if (isset($rid)) {
      $response = new ScaleResponse($rid, $this->node);
      $form['tries']['#default_value'] = $response
    return $form;

   * Implementation of getCreationForm
   * @see QuizQuestion#getCreationForm()
  public function getCreationForm(array &$form_state = NULL) {
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'scale') . '/scale.js');
    $form = array();

     * Getting presets from the database
    $collections = $this
    $options = $this
    $options['d'] = '-';

    // Default
    // We need to add the available preset collections as javascript so that the alternatives can be populated instantly
    // when a
    $jsArray = $this
    $form['answer'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Answer'),
      '#description' => t('Provide alternatives for the user to answer.'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => FALSE,
      '#weight' => -4,
    $form['answer']['presets'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Presets'),
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => 'd',
      '#description' => t('Select a set of alternatives'),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'onchange' => 'refreshAlternatives(this)',
    $max_num_alts = \Drupal::config('scale.settings')

    // TODO: use drupal_add_js($path, 'settings');
    $form['jsArray'] = array(
      '#markup' => "<script type='text/javascript'>" . $jsArray . "var scale_max_num_of_alts = " . $max_num_alts . ";</script>",
    $form['answer']['alternatives'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Alternatives'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    for ($i = 0; $i < $max_num_alts; $i++) {
      $form['answer']['alternatives']["alternative{$i}"] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Alternative !i', array(
          '!i' => $i + 1,
        '#size' => 60,
        '#maxlength' => 256,
        '#default_value' => isset($this->node->{$i}->answer) ? $this->node->{$i}->answer : '',
        '#required' => $i < 2,
    $form['answer']['alternatives']['save'] = array(
      // @todo: Rename save to save_as_preset or something
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Save as a new preset'),
      '#description' => t('Current alternatives will be saved as a new preset'),
      '#default_value' => FALSE,
    $form['answer']['manage'] = array(
      '#markup' => l(t('Manage presets'), 'scale/collection/manage'),
    return $form;

   * Get all available presets for the current user.
   * @param $with_defaults
   * @return
   *  array holding all the preset collections as an array of objects.
   *  each object in the array has the following properties:
   *   ->alternatives(array)
   *   ->name(string)
   *   ->for_all(int, 0|1)
  public function getPresetCollections($with_defaults = FALSE) {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $collections = array();

    // array holding data for each collection
    $scale_element_names = array();
    $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT AS answer_collection_id, a.answer, ac.for_all
            FROM {quiz_scale_user} au
            JOIN {quiz_scale_answer_collection} ac ON(au.answer_collection_id =
            JOIN {quiz_scale_answer} a ON(a.answer_collection_id =
            WHERE au.uid = :uid';
    if ($with_defaults) {
      $sql .= ' OR ac.for_all = 1';
    $sql .= ' ORDER BY au.answer_collection_id,';
    $res = db_query($sql, array(
      ':uid' => $user
    $col_id = NULL;

    // Populate the $collections array
    while (true) {
      if (!($res_o = $res
        ->fetch()) || $res_o->answer_collection_id != $col_id) {

         * We have gone through all elements for one answer collection,
         * and needs to store the answer collection name and id in the options array...
        if (isset($col_id)) {
          $num_scale_elements = count($collections[$col_id]->alternatives);
          $collections[$col_id]->name = check_plain($collections[$col_id]->alternatives[0] . ' - ' . $collections[$col_id]->alternatives[$num_scale_elements - 1] . ' (' . $num_scale_elements . ')');

        // Break the loop if there are no more answer collections to process
        if (!$res_o) {

        // Init the next collection in the $collections array
        $col_id = $res_o->answer_collection_id;
        if (!isset($collections[$col_id])) {
          $collections[$col_id] = new \stdClass();
          $collections[$col_id]->alternatives = array();
          $collections[$col_id]->for_all = $res_o->for_all;
      $collections[$col_id]->alternatives[] = check_plain($res_o->answer);
    return $collections;

   * Makes options array for form elements.
   * @param $collections
   *  collections array, from getPresetCollections() for instance...
   * @return
   *  #options array.
  private function makeOptions(array $collections = NULL) {
    $options = array();
    foreach ($collections as $col_id => $obj) {
      $options[$col_id] = $obj->name;
    return $options;

   * Makes a javascript constructing an answer collection array.
   * @param $collections
   *  collections array, from getPresetCollections() for instance...
   * @return
   *  javascript(string)
  private function makeJSArray(array $collections = NULL) {
    $jsArray = 'scaleCollections = new Array();';
    foreach ($collections as $col_id => $obj) {
      if (is_array($collections[$col_id]->alternatives)) {
        $jsArray .= "scaleCollections[{$col_id}] = new Array();";
        foreach ($collections[$col_id]->alternatives as $alt_id => $text) {
          $jsArray .= "scaleCollections[{$col_id}][{$alt_id}] = '" . check_plain($text) . "';";
    return $jsArray;

   * Implementation of getMaximumScore.
   * @see QuizQuestion#getMaximumScore()
  public function getMaximumScore() {

    // In some use-cases we want to reward users for answering a survey question.
    // This is why 1 is returned and not zero.
    return 1;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
QuizQuestion::$node public property The current node for this question.
QuizQuestion::$nodeProperties public property
QuizQuestion::autoUpdateMaxScore protected function This may be overridden in subclasses. If it returns true, it means the max_score is updated for all occurrences of this question in quizzes. 1
QuizQuestion::getBodyFieldTitle public function Allow question types to override the body field title 2
QuizQuestion::getFormat protected function Utility function that returns the format of the node body
QuizQuestion::getNodeForm public function Returns a node form to quiz_question_form
QuizQuestion::hasBeenAnswered public function Finds out if a question has been answered or not
QuizQuestion::save public function Responsible for handling insert/update of question-specific data. This is typically called from within the Node API, so there is no need to save the node.
QuizQuestion::saveRelationships function Handle the add to quiz part of the quiz_question_form
QuizQuestion::viewCanRevealCorrect public function Determines if the user can view the correct answers
QuizQuestion::__construct public function QuizQuestion constructor stores the node object. 1
ScaleQuestion::$col_id protected property
ScaleQuestion::$util protected property
ScaleQuestion::delete public function Implementation of delete Overrides QuizQuestion::delete
ScaleQuestion::deleteCollectionIfNotUsed public function Deletes an answer collection if it isn't beeing used.
ScaleQuestion::entityBuilder public function Implementation of entityBuilder
ScaleQuestion::existingCollection private function Finds out if a collection already exists.
ScaleQuestion::getAnsweringForm public function Implementation of getAnsweringForm Overrides QuizQuestion::getAnsweringForm
ScaleQuestion::getCreationForm public function Implementation of getCreationForm Overrides QuizQuestion::getCreationForm
ScaleQuestion::getMaximumScore public function Implementation of getMaximumScore. Overrides QuizQuestion::getMaximumScore
ScaleQuestion::getNodeProperties public function Implementation of getNodeProperties Overrides QuizQuestion::getNodeProperties
ScaleQuestion::getNodeView public function Implementation of getNodeView Overrides QuizQuestion::getNodeView
ScaleQuestion::getPresetCollections public function Get all available presets for the current user.
ScaleQuestion::initUtil public function Tells the instance that it is beeing used as a utility.
ScaleQuestion::makeJSArray private function Makes a javascript constructing an answer collection array.
ScaleQuestion::makeOptions private function Makes options array for form elements.
ScaleQuestion::saveAlternative private function Saves one alternative to the database
ScaleQuestion::saveAnswerCollection public function Stores the answer collection to the database, or identifies an existing collection.
ScaleQuestion::saveNodeProperties public function Implementation of saveNodeProperties Overrides QuizQuestion::saveNodeProperties
ScaleQuestion::setPreset private function Add a preset for the current user.
ScaleQuestion::validateNode public function Implementation of validateNode Overrides QuizQuestion::validateNode