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quiz_question.module in Quiz 8.6

Quiz Question module.

This module provides the basic facilities for adding quiz question types to a quiz.


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 * @file
 * Quiz Question module.
 * This module provides the basic facilities for adding quiz question types to
 * a quiz.

 * Implements hook_menu().
function quiz_question_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['quiz/%quiz/question-revision-actions'] = array(
    'title' => 'Revision actions',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'node_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,

  // Menu items for admin view of each question type.
  $items['admin/quiz/settings/questions_settings'] = array(
    'title' => 'Question configuration',
    'description' => 'Configure the question types.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer quiz configuration',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function quiz_question_theme() {
  $hooks = array(
    'quiz_question_navigation_form' => array(
      'render element' => 'form',
      'file' => '',
  return $hooks;

 * Generic submit handler for quiz_question_form().
function quiz_question_node_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $node = $form_state['node'];
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['revision'])) {

    // Forced redirect to question-revision-actions, overriding any
    // '?destination' that's set.
    $form_state['redirect'] = array(
      'quiz/' . $node->nid . '/question-revision-actions',
        'query' => drupal_get_destination(),

 * Implements hook_quiz_question_score().
function quiz_question_quiz_question_score($quiz, $question_nid, $question_vid = NULL, $result_id = NULL) {
  if (!isset($quiz) && !isset($result_id)) {
    return quiz_question_get_max_score($question_nid, $question_vid);

  // We avoid using node_load to increase performance...
  $dummy_node = new stdClass();
  $dummy_node->nid = $question_nid;
  $dummy_node->vid = $question_vid;
  $question = _quiz_question_get_instance($dummy_node, TRUE);
  if (!$question) {
    return FALSE;
  $score = new stdClass();
  $score->possible = $question
  $score->question_nid = $question->node->nid;
  $score->question_vid = $question->node->vid;
  if (isset($result_id)) {
    $response = _quiz_question_response_get_instance($result_id, $question->node);
    $score->attained = $score->possible > 0 ? $response
      ->getScore() : 0;
    $score->possible = $response
    $score->is_evaluated = $response
  return $score;

 * Get the configuration form for all enabled question types.
function quiz_question_config($form, $context) {
  $q_types = quiz_question_get_info();
  $form = array();
  $form['#validate'] = array();

  // Go through all question types and merge their config forms.
  foreach ($q_types as $type => $values) {
    $function = $type . '_quiz_question_config';
    if (function_exists($function) && ($admin_form = $function())) {
      $form[$type] = $admin_form;
      $form[$type]['#type'] = 'fieldset';
      $form[$type]['#title'] = $values['name'];
      $form[$type]['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
      $form[$type]['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
      if (isset($admin_form['#validate']) && is_array($admin_form['#validate'])) {
        $form['#validate'] = array_merge($form['#validate'], $admin_form['#validate']);
  return system_settings_form($form);


 * Implements hook_node_revision_delete().
function quiz_question_node_revision_delete($node) {
  $q_types = quiz_question_get_info();
  foreach ($q_types as $q_type => $info) {
    if ($node->type == $q_type) {

      // True for only this version.
      _quiz_delete_question($node, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_node_presave().
function quiz_question_node_presave($node) {
  $q_types = quiz_question_get_info();
  foreach ($q_types as $q_type => $info) {
    if ($node->type == $q_type) {
      if (drupal_strlen($node->title) == 0) {
        $body = field_view_field('node', $node, 'body', array(
          'label' => 'hidden',
        $markup = strip_tags(drupal_render($body));
        if (drupal_strlen($markup) > \Drupal::config('quiz.settings')
          ->get('autotitle_length', 50)) {
          $node->title = drupal_substr($markup, 0, \Drupal::config('quiz.settings')
            ->get('autotitle_length', 50) - 3) . '...';
        else {
          $node->title = $markup;

 * Delete the question node from the db, and mark its identifiers in the quiz
 * linking table as "NEVER". This is safer than deleting them and allows for
 * same tracing of what's happened if a question was deleted unintentionally.
 * @param stdClass $node
 *   The question node.
 * @param bool $only_this_version
 *   Whether to delete only the specific revision of the question.
function _quiz_delete_question($node, $only_this_version) {

  // Let each question class delete its own stuff.
  _quiz_question_get_instance($node, TRUE)

  // FIXME QuizQuestion class makes these relationships, so it should handle their 'deletion' too
  // FIXME alternately, move the relationship handling out of QuizQuestion class
  // @todo reconsider this QUESTION_NEVER status, since the node is actually gone
  // then remove it from {quiz_node_relationship} linking table

  //$base_sql = "UPDATE {quiz_node_relationship} SET question_status = " . QUESTION_NEVER;
  $select_sql = 'SELECT parent_vid FROM {quiz_node_relationship}';
  if ($only_this_version) {
    $select_sql .= ' WHERE child_nid = :child_nid AND child_vid = :child_vid';
    $filter_arg = array(
      ':child_nid' => $node->nid,
      ':child_vid' => $node->vid,
  else {
    $select_sql .= ' WHERE child_nid = :child_nid';
    $filter_arg = array(
      ':child_nid' => $node->nid,

  //$res = db_query($select_sql . $filter_sql, $node->nid, $node->vid);
  $res = db_query($select_sql, $filter_arg);

  //db_query($base_sql . $filter_sql, $node->nid, $node->vid);
  $update = db_update('quiz_node_relationship')
    'question_status' => QUIZ_QUESTION_NEVER,
    ->condition('child_nid', $node->nid);
  if ($only_this_version) {
    $update = $update
      ->condition('child_vid', $node->vid);
  $quizzes_to_update = array();
  while ($quiz_to_update = $res
    ->fetchField()) {
    $quizzes_to_update[] = $quiz_to_update;

 * Get an instance of a quiz question response.
 * Get information about the class and use it to construct a new
 * object of the appropriate type.
 * @param int $result_id
 *   Result id.
 * @param stdClass $question
 *   The question node (not a QuizQuestion instance).
 * @param mixed $answer
 *   Response to the answering form.
 * @param $nid
 *   The Question node ID.
 * @param $vid
 *   The Question revision ID.
 * @return QuizQuestionResponse
 *   The appropriate QuizQuestionResponse extension instance.
function _quiz_question_response_get_instance($result_id, $question, $answer = NULL, $nid = NULL, $vid = NULL) {
  $info = quiz_question_get_info();

  // If the question node isn't set we fetch it from the QuizQuestion instance
  // this response belongs to.
  if (!isset($question)) {
    $question = node_load($nid, $vid);
  if (!empty($question->type)) {
    $constructor = $info[$question->type]['response provider'];
  if (empty($constructor)) {
    $constructor = 'QuizQuestionResponseBroken';
    $question = new stdClass();
  $to_return = new $constructor($result_id, $question, $answer);

  // All response classes must extend QuizQuestionResponse.
  if (!$to_return instanceof QuizQuestionResponse) {
    drupal_set_message(t("The question-response isn't a QuizQuestionResponse. It needs to extend the QuizQuestionResponse interface, or extend the abstractQuizQuestionResponse class."), 'error', FALSE);
  $result = $to_return
  $to_return->question->answers[$result['answer_id']] = $result;
  $to_return->question->correct = $result['is_correct'];
  return $to_return;

 * Get the max score for a question.
 * @param $nid
 *   The Question node ID.
 * @param $vid
 *   The Question revision ID.
 * @return int
 *   The max score.
function quiz_question_get_max_score($nid, $vid) {
  return db_query('SELECT max_score
          FROM {quiz_question_properties}
          WHERE nid = :nid AND vid = :vid', array(
    ':nid' => $nid,
    ':vid' => $vid,


Namesort descending Description
quiz_question_config Get the configuration form for all enabled question types.
quiz_question_get_max_score Get the max score for a question.
quiz_question_menu Implements hook_menu().
quiz_question_node_form_submit Generic submit handler for quiz_question_form().
quiz_question_node_presave Implements hook_node_presave().
quiz_question_node_revision_delete Implements hook_node_revision_delete().
quiz_question_quiz_question_score Implements hook_quiz_question_score().
quiz_question_theme Implements hook_theme().
_quiz_delete_question Delete the question node from the db, and mark its identifiers in the quiz linking table as "NEVER". This is safer than deleting them and allows for same tracing of what's happened if a question was deleted unintentionally.
_quiz_question_response_get_instance Get an instance of a quiz question response.