You are here in Quiz 6.5


This module uses the question interface to define something which is actually not a question.

A Quiz Directions node is a placeholder for adding directions to a quiz. It can be inserted any number of times into a quiz. Example uses may include:

  • Initial quiz-wide directions
  • Section directions, e.g. "The next five questions are multiple choice, please..."
  • Final confirmation, e.g. "You have answered all questions. Click submit to submit this quiz."


View source

 * quiz_directions.classes
 * This module uses the question interface to define something which is actually not a question.
 * A Quiz Directions node is a placeholder for adding directions to a quiz. It can be inserted any number
 * of times into a quiz. Example uses may include:
 * - Initial quiz-wide directions
 * - Section directions, e.g. "The next five questions are multiple choice, please..."
 * - Final confirmation, e.g. "You have answered all questions. Click submit to submit this quiz."
 * @file

 * Implementation of QuizQuestion.
class QuizDirectionsQuestion implements QuizQuestion {

   * The current node for this question.
  protected $node = NULL;
  public function __construct($node) {
    $this->node = $node;
    $this->node->no_skip_button = TRUE;

    // No skip button
    $this->node->not_a_question = TRUE;
  public function save($is_new = FALSE) {
  public function validate($node, &$form) {
  public function delete($only_this_version = FALSE) {
  public function load() {
  public function view() {
    return $this

  // This is called whenever a question is rendered, either
  // to an administrator or to a quiz taker.
  public function getQuestionForm($node, $context = NULL) {
    $form['question'] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => check_markup($node->body, $node->format),
    $form['tries'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => 0,
    $form['empty_space'] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => '<br/>',
    return $form;
  public function getAdminForm($edit = NULL) {
    $form['settings'] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#value' => t('There are no settings for this question type.'),
    return $form;
  public function getCreationForm($edit) {
    return array();
  public function getMaximumScore() {
    return 0;


 * Class that describes a "Directions question response". For
 * the most part, no real scoring takes place for a direction
 * node. However, there are a few behind-the-scenes tricks that
 * are done here to make the quiz-taking process a little easier.
class QuizDirectionsResponse extends AbstractQuizQuestionResponse {
  public function __construct($rid, $question, $answer = NULL) {
    $this->answer = $answer;
    $this->question = $question;
    $this->rid = $rid;
  public function save() {
  public function delete() {
  public function score() {

    // First, due to popular demand, if the directions are at the beginning of
    // the quiz, we restart the timer after the user has read the question.
    $quiz_nid = arg(1);
    $quiz_key = 'quiz_' . $quiz_nid;
    if (isset($_SESSION[$quiz_key]['previous_quiz_questions']) && count($_SESSION[$quiz_key]['previous_quiz_questions']) === 1) {

      // reset the timer.
      $sql = 'UPDATE {quiz_node_results} SET time_start=%d WHERE result_id = %d';
      db_query($sql, time(), $this->rid);

    // Set the score
    $this->score = 0;
    return 0;
  public function isCorrect() {
    return TRUE;
  public function getResponse() {
    return $answer;
  public function formatReport($showpoints = TRUE, $showfeedback = TRUE) {
    return '';



Namesort descending Description
QuizDirectionsQuestion Implementation of QuizQuestion.
QuizDirectionsResponse Class that describes a "Directions question response". For the most part, no real scoring takes place for a direction node. However, there are a few behind-the-scenes tricks that are done here to make the quiz-taking process a little easier.