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function matching_uninstall in Quiz 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 question_types/matching/matching.install \matching_uninstall()
  2. 6.6 question_types/matching/matching.install \matching_uninstall()
  3. 6.3 question_types/matching/matching.install \matching_uninstall()
  4. 6.4 question_types/matching/matching.install \matching_uninstall()
  5. 6.5 question_types/matching/matching.install \matching_uninstall()
  6. 7 question_types/matching/matching.install \matching_uninstall()

Implements hook_uninstall().


question_types/matching/matching.install, line 24
matching install file.


function matching_uninstall() {

  // Delete tables
  // TODO The drupal_(un)install_schema functions are called automatically in D7.
  // drupal_uninstall_schema('matching')
  // Delete data from other tables
  // Clear the cache.
  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');
  drupal_set_message(t('The Matching module has been uninstalled and related data has been deleted.'));