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6 calls to make_unique_id_code() in Quiz 6.5

qformat_coursetestmanager::importprocess in includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php
Process the file This method should not normally be overidden
qformat_default::create_category_path in includes/moodle/question/format.php
find and/or create the category described by a delimited list e.g. $course$/tom/dick/harry or tom/dick/harry
qformat_default::importprocess in includes/moodle/question/format.php
Process the file This method should not normally be overidden
question_hash in includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php
Creates a stamp that uniquely identifies this version of the question
question_make_default_categories in includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php
Gets the default category in the most specific context. If no categories exist yet then default ones are created in all contexts.
question_save_from_deletion in includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php
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