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class qformat_webct in Quiz 6.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.5 includes/moodle/question/format/webct/format.php \qformat_webct


Expanded class hierarchy of qformat_webct


includes/moodle/question/format/webct/format.php, line 162

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class qformat_webct extends qformat_default {
  function provide_import() {
    return true;
  function readquestions($lines) {
    global $QTYPES;

    //  $qtypecalculated = new qformat_webct_modified_calculated_qtype();
    $webctnumberregex = '[+-]?([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?|\\.[0-9]+)((e|E|\\*10\\*\\*)([+-]?[0-9]+|\\([+-]?[0-9]+\\)))?';
    $questions = array();
    $errors = array();
    $warnings = array();
    $webct_options = array();
    $ignore_rest_of_question = FALSE;
    $nLineCounter = 0;
    $nQuestionStartLine = 0;
    $bIsHTMLText = FALSE;
    $lines[] = ":EOF:";

    // for an easiest processing of the last line
    //    $question = $this->defaultquestion();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
      $line = iconv("Windows-1252", "UTF-8", $line);

      // Processing multiples lines strings
      if (isset($questiontext) and is_string($questiontext)) {
        if (ereg("^:", $line)) {
          $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($questiontext));
        else {
          $questiontext .= str_replace('\\:', ':', $line);
      if (isset($answertext) and is_string($answertext)) {
        if (ereg("^:", $line)) {
          $answertext = addslashes(trim($answertext));
          $question->answer[$currentchoice] = $answertext;
          $question->subanswers[$currentchoice] = $answertext;
        else {
          $answertext .= str_replace('\\:', ':', $line);
      if (isset($responsetext) and is_string($responsetext)) {
        if (ereg("^:", $line)) {
          $question->subquestions[$currentchoice] = addslashes(trim($responsetext));
        else {
          $responsetext .= str_replace('\\:', ':', $line);
      if (isset($feedbacktext) and is_string($feedbacktext)) {
        if (ereg("^:", $line)) {
          $question->feedback[$currentchoice] = addslashes(trim($feedbacktext));
        else {
          $feedbacktext .= str_replace('\\:', ':', $line);
      if (isset($generalfeedbacktext) and is_string($generalfeedbacktext)) {
        if (ereg("^:", $line)) {
          $question->tempgeneralfeedback = addslashes(trim($generalfeedbacktext));
        else {
          $generalfeedbacktext .= str_replace('\\:', ':', $line);
      $line = trim($line);
      if (eregi("^:(TYPE|EOF):", $line)) {

        // New Question or End of File
        if (isset($question)) {

          // if previous question exists, complete, check and save it
          // Setup default value of missing fields
          if (!isset($question->name)) {
            $question->name = $question->questiontext;
          if (strlen($question->name) > 255) {
            $question->name = substr($question->name, 0, 250) . "...";
            $warnings[] = get_string("questionnametoolong", "quiz", $nQuestionStartLine);
          if (!isset($question->defaultgrade)) {
            $question->defaultgrade = 1;
          if (!isset($question->image)) {
            $question->image = "";

          // Perform sanity checks
          $QuestionOK = TRUE;
          if (strlen($question->questiontext) == 0) {
            $warnings[] = get_string("missingquestion", "quiz", $nQuestionStartLine);
            $QuestionOK = FALSE;
          if (sizeof($question->answer) < 1) {

            // a question must have at least 1 answer
            $errors[] = get_string("missinganswer", "quiz", $nQuestionStartLine);
            $QuestionOK = FALSE;
          else {

            // Create empty feedback array
            foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
              if (!isset($question->feedback[$key])) {
                $question->feedback[$key] = '';

            // this tempgeneralfeedback allows the code to work with versions from 1.6 to 1.9
            // when question->generalfeedback is undefined, the webct feedback is added to each answer feedback
            if (isset($question->tempgeneralfeedback)) {
              if (isset($question->generalfeedback)) {
                $question->generalfeedback = $question->tempgeneralfeedback;
              else {
                foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
                  if ($question->tempgeneralfeedback != '') {
                    $question->feedback[$key] = $question->tempgeneralfeedback . '<br/>' . $question->feedback[$key];
            $maxfraction = -1;
            $totalfraction = 0;
            foreach ($question->fraction as $fraction) {
              if ($fraction > 0) {
                $totalfraction += $fraction;
              if ($fraction > $maxfraction) {
                $maxfraction = $fraction;
            switch ($question->qtype) {
              case SHORTANSWER:
                if ($maxfraction != 1) {
                  $maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
                  $errors[] = "'{$question->name}': " . get_string("wronggrade", "quiz", $nLineCounter) . ' ' . get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
                  $QuestionOK = FALSE;
              case MULTICHOICE:
                if ($question->single) {
                  if ($maxfraction != 1) {
                    $maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
                    $errors[] = "'{$question->name}': " . get_string("wronggrade", "quiz", $nLineCounter) . ' ' . get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
                    $QuestionOK = FALSE;
                else {
                  $totalfraction = round($totalfraction, 2);
                  if ($totalfraction != 1) {
                    $totalfraction = $totalfraction * 100;
                    $errors[] = "'{$question->name}': " . get_string("wronggrade", "quiz", $nLineCounter) . ' ' . get_string("fractionsaddwrong", "quiz", $totalfraction);
                    $QuestionOK = FALSE;
              case CALCULATED:
                foreach ($question->answers as $answer) {
                  if ($formulaerror = qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors($answer)) {

                    $warnings[] = "'{$question->name}': " . $formulaerror;
                    $QuestionOK = FALSE;
                foreach ($question->dataset as $dataset) {
                  $dataset->itemcount = count($dataset->datasetitem);
                $question->import_process = TRUE;

                //not used in calculated question
              case MATCH:

                // MDL-10680:
                // switch subquestions and subanswers
                foreach ($question->subquestions as $id => $subquestion) {
                  $temp = $question->subquestions[$id];
                  $question->subquestions[$id] = $question->subanswers[$id];
                  $question->subanswers[$id] = $temp;
                if (count($question->answer) < 3) {

                  // add a dummy missing question
                  $question->name = 'Dummy question added ' . $question->name;
                  $question->answer[] = 'dummy';
                  $question->subanswers[] = 'dummy';
                  $question->subquestions[] = 'dummy';
                  $question->fraction[] = '0.0';
                  $question->feedback[] = '';
          if ($QuestionOK) {

            // echo "<pre>"; print_r ($question);
            $questions[] = $question;

            // store it

            // and prepare a new one
            $question = $this
        $nQuestionStartLine = $nLineCounter;

      // Processing Question Header
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:MC:1(.*)", $line, $webct_options)) {

        // Multiple Choice Question with only one good answer
        $question = $this
        $question->feedback = array();
        $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE;
        $question->single = 1;

        // Only one answer is allowed
        $ignore_rest_of_question = FALSE;
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:MC:N(.*)", $line, $webct_options)) {

        // Multiple Choice Question with several good answers
        $question = $this
        $question->feedback = array();
        $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE;
        $question->single = 0;

        // Many answers allowed
        $ignore_rest_of_question = FALSE;
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:S", $line)) {

        // Short Answer Question
        $question = $this
        $question->feedback = array();
        $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
        $question->usecase = 0;

        // Ignore case
        $ignore_rest_of_question = FALSE;
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:C", $line)) {

        // Calculated Question

        /*     $warnings[] = get_string("calculatedquestion", "quiz", $nLineCounter);
                  $ignore_rest_of_question = TRUE;         // Question Type not handled by Moodle
        $question = $this
        $question->qtype = CALCULATED;
        $question->answers = array();

        // No problem as they go as :FORMULA: from webct
        $question->units = array();
        $question->dataset = array();

        // To make us pass the end-of-question sanity checks
        $question->answer = array(
        $question->fraction = array(
        $question->feedback = array();
        $currentchoice = -1;
        $ignore_rest_of_question = FALSE;
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:M", $line)) {

        // Match Question
        $question = $this
        $question->qtype = MATCH;
        $question->feedback = array();
        $ignore_rest_of_question = FALSE;

        // match question processing is not debugged
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:P", $line)) {

        // Paragraph Question
        $warnings[] = get_string("paragraphquestion", "quiz", $nLineCounter);
        $ignore_rest_of_question = TRUE;

        // Question Type not handled by Moodle
      if (eregi("^:TYPE:", $line)) {

        // Unknow Question
        $warnings[] = get_string("unknowntype", "quiz", $nLineCounter);
        $ignore_rest_of_question = TRUE;

        // Question Type not handled by Moodle
      if ($ignore_rest_of_question) {
      if (eregi("^:TITLE:(.*)", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $name = trim($webct_options[1]);
        if (strlen($name) > 255) {
          $name = substr($name, 0, 250) . "...";
          $warnings[] = get_string("questionnametoolong", "quiz", $nLineCounter);
        $question->name = addslashes($name);
      if (eregi("^:IMAGE:(.*)", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $filename = trim($webct_options[1]);
        if (eregi("^http://", $filename)) {
          $question->image = $filename;

      // Need to put the parsing of calculated items here to avoid ambitiuosness:
      // if question isn't defined yet there is nothing to do here (avoid notices)
      if (!isset($question)) {
      if (isset($question->qtype) && CALCULATED == $question->qtype && ereg("^:([[:lower:]].*|::.*)-(MIN|MAX|DEC|VAL([0-9]+))::?:?({$webctnumberregex})", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $datasetname = ereg_replace('^::', '', $webct_options[1]);
        $datasetvalue = qformat_webct_convert_formula($webct_options[4]);
        switch ($webct_options[2]) {
          case 'MIN':
            $question->dataset[$datasetname]->min = $datasetvalue;
          case 'MAX':
            $question->dataset[$datasetname]->max = $datasetvalue;
          case 'DEC':
            $datasetvalue = floor($datasetvalue);

            // int only!
            $question->dataset[$datasetname]->length = max(0, $datasetvalue);

            // The VAL case:
            $question->dataset[$datasetname]->datasetitem[$webct_options[3]] = new stdClass();
            $question->dataset[$datasetname]->datasetitem[$webct_options[3]]->itemnumber = $webct_options[3];
            $question->dataset[$datasetname]->datasetitem[$webct_options[3]]->value = $datasetvalue;
      $bIsHTMLText = eregi(":H\$", $line);

      // True if next lines are coded in HTML
      if (eregi("^:QUESTION", $line)) {
        $questiontext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
      if (eregi("^:ANSWER([0-9]+):([^:]+):([0-9\\.\\-]+):(.*)", $line, $webct_options)) {

        /// SHORTANSWER
        $currentchoice = $webct_options[1];
        $answertext = $webct_options[2];

        // Start gathering next lines
        $question->fraction[$currentchoice] = $webct_options[3] / 100;
      if (eregi("^:ANSWER([0-9]+):([0-9\\.\\-]+)", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $answertext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
        $currentchoice = $webct_options[1];
        $question->fraction[$currentchoice] = $webct_options[2] / 100;
      if (eregi('^:FORMULA:(.*)', $line, $webct_options)) {

        //TODO HACK FIXME skip these until Drupal support formulas

        // Answer for a CALCULATED question
        $question->answers[$currentchoice] = qformat_webct_convert_formula($webct_options[1]);

        // Default settings:
        $question->fraction[$currentchoice] = 1.0;
        $question->tolerance[$currentchoice] = 0.0;
        $question->tolerancetype[$currentchoice] = 2;

        // nominal (units in webct)
        $question->feedback[$currentchoice] = '';
        $question->correctanswerlength[$currentchoice] = 4;
        $datasetnames = $QTYPES[CALCULATED]
        foreach ($datasetnames as $datasetname) {
          $question->dataset[$datasetname] = new stdClass();
          $question->dataset[$datasetname]->datasetitem = array();
          $question->dataset[$datasetname]->name = $datasetname;
          $question->dataset[$datasetname]->distribution = 'uniform';
          $question->dataset[$datasetname]->status = 'private';
      if (eregi("^:L([0-9]+)", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $answertext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
        $currentchoice = $webct_options[1];
        $question->fraction[$currentchoice] = 1;
      if (eregi("^:R([0-9]+)", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $responsetext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
        $currentchoice = $webct_options[1];
      if (eregi("^:REASON([0-9]+):?", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $feedbacktext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
        $currentchoice = $webct_options[1];
      if (eregi("^:FEEDBACK([0-9]+):?", $line, $webct_options)) {
        $generalfeedbacktext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
        $currentchoice = $webct_options[1];
      if (eregi('^:FEEDBACK:(.*)', $line, $webct_options)) {
        $generalfeedbacktext = "";

        // Start gathering next lines
      if (eregi('^:LAYOUT:(.*)', $line, $webct_options)) {

        //    ignore  since layout in question_multichoice  is no more used in moodle
        //    $webct_options[1] contains either vertical or horizontal ;
      if (isset($question->qtype) && CALCULATED == $question->qtype && eregi('^:ANS-DEC:([1-9][0-9]*)', $line, $webct_options)) {

        // We can but hope that this always appear before the ANSTYPE property
        $question->correctanswerlength[$currentchoice] = $webct_options[1];
      if (isset($question->qtype) && CALCULATED == $question->qtype && eregi("^:TOL:({$webctnumberregex})", $line, $webct_options)) {

        // We can but hope that this always appear before the TOL property
        $question->tolerance[$currentchoice] = qformat_webct_convert_formula($webct_options[1]);
      if (isset($question->qtype) && CALCULATED == $question->qtype && eregi('^:TOLTYPE:percent', $line)) {

        // Percentage case is handled as relative in Moodle:
        $question->tolerance[$currentchoice] /= 100;
        $question->tolerancetype[$currentchoice] = 1;

        // Relative
      if (eregi('^:UNITS:(.+)', $line, $webct_options) and $webctunits = trim($webct_options[1])) {

        // This is a guess - I really do not know how different webct units are separated...
        $webctunits = explode(':', $webctunits);
        $unitrec->multiplier = 1.0;

        // Webct does not seem to support this
        foreach ($webctunits as $webctunit) {
          $unitrec->unit = trim($webctunit);
          $question->units[] = $unitrec;
      if (!empty($question->units) && eregi('^:UNITREQ:(.*)', $line, $webct_options) && !$webct_options[1]) {

        // There are units but units are not required so add the no unit alternative
        // We can but hope that the UNITS property always appear before this property
        $unitrec->unit = '';
        $unitrec->multiplier = 1.0;
        $question->units[] = $unitrec;
      if (!empty($question->units) && eregi('^:UNITCASE:', $line)) {

        // This could be important but I was not able to figure out how
        // it works so I ignore it for now
      if (isset($question->qtype) && CALCULATED == $question->qtype && eregi('^:ANSTYPE:dec', $line)) {
        $question->correctanswerformat[$currentchoice] = '1';
      if (isset($question->qtype) && CALCULATED == $question->qtype && eregi('^:ANSTYPE:sig', $line)) {
        $question->correctanswerformat[$currentchoice] = '2';

    // FIXME hacked Moodle to not quit on these errors
    // TODO think of a way to get the errors without changing Moodle code

    if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
        echo "<p>".get_string("errorsdetected", "quiz", sizeof($errors))."</p><ul>";
        foreach($errors as $error) {
            echo "<li>$error</li>";
        echo "</ul>";
        unset($questions);     // no questions imported

    if (sizeof($warnings) > 0) {
        echo "<p>".get_string("warningsdetected", "quiz", sizeof($warnings))."</p><ul>";
        foreach($warnings as $warning) {
            echo "<li>$warning</li>";
        echo "</ul>";
    return $questions;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
qformat_default::$canaccessbackupdata property
qformat_default::$category property
qformat_default::$catfromfile property
qformat_default::$cattofile property
qformat_default::$contextfromfile property
qformat_default::$contexttofile property
qformat_default::$course property
qformat_default::$displayerrors property
qformat_default::$filename property
qformat_default::$importerrors property
qformat_default::$matchgrades property
qformat_default::$questionids property
qformat_default::$questions property
qformat_default::$realfilename property
qformat_default::$stoponerror property
qformat_default::$translator property
qformat_default::count_questions function Count all non-category questions in the questions array.
qformat_default::create_category_path function find and/or create the category described by a delimited list e.g. $course$/tom/dick/harry or tom/dick/harry
qformat_default::defaultquestion function return an "empty" question Somewhere to specify question parameters that are not handled by import but are required db fields. This should not be overridden.
qformat_default::error function Handle parsing error
qformat_default::exportpostprocess function Do an post-processing that may be required
qformat_default::exportpreprocess function Do any pre-processing that may be required 1
qformat_default::exportprocess function Do the export For most types this should not need to be overrided 1
qformat_default::export_file_extension function Return the files extension appropriate for this type override if you don't want .txt 3
qformat_default::format_question_text function where question specifies a moodle (text) format this performs the conversion.
qformat_default::get_category_path function get the category as a path (e.g., tom/dick/harry)
qformat_default::importimagefile function Import an image file encoded in base64 format
qformat_default::importpostprocess function Override if any post-processing is required 2
qformat_default::importpreprocess function Perform any required pre-processing 2
qformat_default::importprocess function Process the file This method should not normally be overidden 1
qformat_default::presave_process function Enable any processing to be done on the content just prior to the file being saved default is to do nothing 2
qformat_default::provide_export function 4
qformat_default::question_get_export_dir function get directory into which export is going
qformat_default::readdata function Return complete file within an array, one item per line 1
qformat_default::readquestion function Given the data known to define a question in this format, this function converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle. 5
qformat_default::setCategory function set the category
qformat_default::setCatfromfile function set catfromfile
qformat_default::setCattofile function set cattofile
qformat_default::setContextfromfile function set contextfromfile
qformat_default::setContexts function set an array of contexts.
qformat_default::setContexttofile function set contexttofile
qformat_default::setCourse function set the course class variable
qformat_default::setFilename function set the filename
qformat_default::setMatchgrades function set matchgrades
qformat_default::setQuestions function Set the specific questions to export. Should not include questions with parents (sub questions of cloze question type). Only used for question export.
qformat_default::setRealfilename function set the "real" filename (this is what the user typed, regardless of wha happened next)
qformat_default::setStoponerror function set stoponerror
qformat_default::set_can_access_backupdata function
qformat_default::try_exporting_using_qtypes function Provide export functionality for plugin questiontypes Do not override
qformat_default::try_importing_using_qtypes function Import for questiontype plugins Do not override.
qformat_default::writequestion function convert a single question object into text output in the given format. This must be overriden 4
qformat_webct::provide_import function Overrides qformat_default::provide_import
qformat_webct::readquestions function Parses an array of lines into an array of questions, where each item is a question object as defined by readquestion(). Questions are defined as anything between blank lines. Overrides qformat_default::readquestions