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function qformat_coursetestmanager::query_linux in Quiz 6.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.6 includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php \qformat_coursetestmanager::query_linux()
2 calls to qformat_coursetestmanager::query_linux()
qformat_coursetestmanager::getquestioncategories in includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php
qformat_coursetestmanager::getquestions in includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php


includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php, line 365




function query_linux($sql, $mdbpath, $mdapath, $hostname) {
  global $result;
  include_once "odbcsocketserver.class.php";

  // set up socket server object to connect to remote host
  $oTest = new ODBCSocketServer();

  //Set the Hostname, port, and connection string
  $oTest->sHostName = $hostname;
  $oTest->nPort = 9628;

  //      $oTest->sConnectionString="DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);SystemDB=C:\CTM\System.mda;DBQ=C:\CTM\of2K3\ctm.mdb;UID=Assess;PWD=VBMango;";
  $oTest->sConnectionString = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);SystemDB=" . $mdapath . ";DBQ=" . $mdbpath . ";UID=Assess;PWD=VBMango;";

  // send and receive XML communication
  $qResult = $oTest

  // set up XML parser to read the results
  $xml_parser = xml_parser_create("US-ASCII");
  xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "quiz_xmlstart", "quiz_xmlend");
  xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "quiz_xmldata");

  // parse the XML and get back the result set array
  if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $qResult)) {
      ->err("XML error: " . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)) . " at line " . xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser), $oTest->sConnectionString);
    return false;
  else {

    //          echo("Successful XML parse.  ");
    // prepare the array for use in the pull-down

    /*          echo "<br />count of rows is ". count ($result);
                        echo "<pre>\n";
                        $qResult = HtmlSpecialChars($qResult);
                        echo $qResult;
                        echo "\n</pre>";

    //  $sResult = HtmlSpecialChars($qResult);


    //  echo($sResult);
    //  echo("</pre>");
    return $result;