function Smarty_Compiler::_compile_file in Quiz 6.5
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.6 includes/moodle/lib/smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php \Smarty_Compiler::_compile_file()
compile a resource
sets $compiled_content to the compiled source
string $resource_name:
string $source_content:
string $compiled_content:
Return value
- includes/
moodle/ lib/ smarty/ Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 224
- Smarty_Compiler
- Template compiling class @package Smarty
function _compile_file($resource_name, $source_content, &$compiled_content) {
if ($this->security) {
// do not allow php syntax to be executed unless specified
if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW && !$this->security_settings['PHP_HANDLING']) {
$this->php_handling = SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU;
$this->_current_file = $resource_name;
$this->_current_line_no = 1;
$ldq = preg_quote($this->left_delimiter, '~');
$rdq = preg_quote($this->right_delimiter, '~');
// run template source through prefilter functions
if (count($this->_plugins['prefilter']) > 0) {
foreach ($this->_plugins['prefilter'] as $filter_name => $prefilter) {
if ($prefilter === false) {
if ($prefilter[3] || is_callable($prefilter[0])) {
$source_content = call_user_func_array($prefilter[0], array(
$this->_plugins['prefilter'][$filter_name][3] = true;
else {
->_trigger_fatal_error("[plugin] prefilter '{$filter_name}' is not implemented");
/* fetch all special blocks */
$search = "~{$ldq}\\*(.*?)\\*{$rdq}|{$ldq}\\s*literal\\s*{$rdq}(.*?){$ldq}\\s*/literal\\s*{$rdq}|{$ldq}\\s*php\\s*{$rdq}(.*?){$ldq}\\s*/php\\s*{$rdq}~s";
preg_match_all($search, $source_content, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$this->_folded_blocks = $match;
/* replace special blocks by "{php}" */
$source_content = preg_replace($search . 'e', "'" . $this
->_quote_replace($this->left_delimiter) . 'php' . "' . str_repeat(\"\n\", substr_count('\\0', \"\n\")) .'" . $this
->_quote_replace($this->right_delimiter) . "'", $source_content);
/* Gather all template tags. */
preg_match_all("~{$ldq}\\s*(.*?)\\s*{$rdq}~s", $source_content, $_match);
$template_tags = $_match[1];
/* Split content by template tags to obtain non-template content. */
$text_blocks = preg_split("~{$ldq}.*?{$rdq}~s", $source_content);
/* loop through text blocks */
for ($curr_tb = 0, $for_max = count($text_blocks); $curr_tb < $for_max; $curr_tb++) {
/* match anything resembling php tags */
if (preg_match_all('~(<\\?(?:\\w+|=)?|\\?>|language\\s*=\\s*[\\"\']?php[\\"\']?)~is', $text_blocks[$curr_tb], $sp_match)) {
/* replace tags with placeholders to prevent recursive replacements */
$sp_match[1] = array_unique($sp_match[1]);
usort($sp_match[1], '_smarty_sort_length');
for ($curr_sp = 0, $for_max2 = count($sp_match[1]); $curr_sp < $for_max2; $curr_sp++) {
$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace($sp_match[1][$curr_sp], '%%%SMARTYSP' . $curr_sp . '%%%', $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);
/* process each one */
for ($curr_sp = 0, $for_max2 = count($sp_match[1]); $curr_sp < $for_max2; $curr_sp++) {
if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU) {
/* echo php contents */
$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP' . $curr_sp . '%%%', '<?php echo \'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sp_match[1][$curr_sp]) . '\'; ?>' . "\n", $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);
else {
if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE) {
/* quote php tags */
$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP' . $curr_sp . '%%%', htmlspecialchars($sp_match[1][$curr_sp]), $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);
else {
if ($this->php_handling == SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE) {
/* remove php tags */
$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP' . $curr_sp . '%%%', '', $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);
else {
/* SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW, but echo non php starting tags */
$sp_match[1][$curr_sp] = preg_replace('~(<\\?(?!php|=|$))~i', '<?php echo \'\\1\'?>' . "\n", $sp_match[1][$curr_sp]);
$text_blocks[$curr_tb] = str_replace('%%%SMARTYSP' . $curr_sp . '%%%', $sp_match[1][$curr_sp], $text_blocks[$curr_tb]);
/* Compile the template tags into PHP code. */
$compiled_tags = array();
for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($template_tags); $i < $for_max; $i++) {
$this->_current_line_no += substr_count($text_blocks[$i], "\n");
$compiled_tags[] = $this
$this->_current_line_no += substr_count($template_tags[$i], "\n");
if (count($this->_tag_stack) > 0) {
list($_open_tag, $_line_no) = end($this->_tag_stack);
->_syntax_error("unclosed tag \\{{$_open_tag}} (opened line {$_line_no}).", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Reformat $text_blocks between 'strip' and '/strip' tags,
removing spaces, tabs and newlines. */
$strip = false;
for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($compiled_tags); $i < $for_max; $i++) {
if ($compiled_tags[$i] == '{strip}') {
$compiled_tags[$i] = '';
$strip = true;
/* remove leading whitespaces */
$text_blocks[$i + 1] = ltrim($text_blocks[$i + 1]);
if ($strip) {
/* strip all $text_blocks before the next '/strip' */
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $for_max; $j++) {
/* remove leading and trailing whitespaces of each line */
$text_blocks[$j] = preg_replace('![\\t ]*[\\r\\n]+[\\t ]*!', '', $text_blocks[$j]);
if ($compiled_tags[$j] == '{/strip}') {
/* remove trailing whitespaces from the last text_block */
$text_blocks[$j] = rtrim($text_blocks[$j]);
$text_blocks[$j] = "<?php echo '" . strtr($text_blocks[$j], array(
"'" => "\\'",
"\\" => "\\\\",
)) . "'; ?>";
if ($compiled_tags[$j] == '{/strip}') {
$compiled_tags[$j] = "\n";
/* slurped by php, but necessary
if a newline is following the closing strip-tag */
$strip = false;
$i = $j;
$compiled_content = '';
/* Interleave the compiled contents and text blocks to get the final result. */
for ($i = 0, $for_max = count($compiled_tags); $i < $for_max; $i++) {
if ($compiled_tags[$i] == '') {
// tag result empty, remove first newline from following text block
$text_blocks[$i + 1] = preg_replace('~^(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)~', '', $text_blocks[$i + 1]);
$compiled_content .= $text_blocks[$i] . $compiled_tags[$i];
$compiled_content .= $text_blocks[$i];
// remove \n from the end of the file, if any
if (($_len = strlen($compiled_content)) && $compiled_content[$_len - 1] == "\n") {
$compiled_content = substr($compiled_content, 0, -1);
if (!empty($this->_cache_serial)) {
$compiled_content = "<?php \$this->_cache_serials['" . $this->_cache_include . "'] = '" . $this->_cache_serial . "'; ?>" . $compiled_content;
// remove unnecessary close/open tags
$compiled_content = preg_replace('~\\?>\\n?<\\?php~', '', $compiled_content);
// run compiled template through postfilter functions
if (count($this->_plugins['postfilter']) > 0) {
foreach ($this->_plugins['postfilter'] as $filter_name => $postfilter) {
if ($postfilter === false) {
if ($postfilter[3] || is_callable($postfilter[0])) {
$compiled_content = call_user_func_array($postfilter[0], array(
$this->_plugins['postfilter'][$filter_name][3] = true;
else {
->_trigger_fatal_error("Smarty plugin error: postfilter '{$filter_name}' is not implemented");
// put header at the top of the compiled template
$template_header = "<?php /* Smarty version " . $this->_version . ", created on " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "\n";
$template_header .= " compiled from " . strtr(urlencode($resource_name), array(
'%2F' => '/',
'%3A' => ':',
)) . " */ ?>\n";
/* Emit code to load needed plugins. */
$this->_plugins_code = '';
if (count($this->_plugin_info)) {
$_plugins_params = "array('plugins' => array(";
foreach ($this->_plugin_info as $plugin_type => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name => $plugin_info) {
$_plugins_params .= "array('{$plugin_type}', '{$plugin_name}', '" . strtr($plugin_info[0], array(
"'" => "\\'",
"\\" => "\\\\",
)) . "', {$plugin_info[1]}, ";
$_plugins_params .= $plugin_info[2] ? 'true),' : 'false),';
$_plugins_params .= '))';
$plugins_code = "<?php require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php');\nsmarty_core_load_plugins({$_plugins_params}, \$this); ?>\n";
$template_header .= $plugins_code;
$this->_plugin_info = array();
$this->_plugins_code = $plugins_code;
if ($this->_init_smarty_vars) {
$template_header .= "<?php require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.assign_smarty_interface.php');\nsmarty_core_assign_smarty_interface(null, \$this); ?>\n";
$this->_init_smarty_vars = false;
$compiled_content = $template_header . $compiled_content;
return true;