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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Quiz 6.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
AbstractQuizQuestionResponse abstract class question_types/quiz_question/ A base implementation of QuizQuestionResponse. 5
LongAnswerQuestion class question_types/long_answer/ Implementation of QuizQuestion.
LongAnswerResponse class question_types/long_answer/
LongAnswerUnitTest class question_types/long_answer/long_answer.test Unit tests for the long_answer Module. @file
MatchingQuestion class question_types/matching/ Implementation of Matching.
MatchingResponse class question_types/matching/ Class that describes a "Directions question response". For the most part, no real scoring takes place for a direction node. However, there are a few behind-the-scenes tricks that are done here to make the quiz-taking process a little easier.
QuizDirectionsQuestion class question_types/quiz_directions/ Implementation of QuizQuestion.
QuizDirectionsResponse class question_types/quiz_directions/ Class that describes a "Directions question response". For the most part, no real scoring takes place for a direction node. However, there are a few behind-the-scenes tricks that are done here to make the quiz-taking process a little easier.
QuizQuestion interface question_types/quiz_question/ A Quiz Question. There should be an implementation of this interface for every question type support by Quiz. 5
QuizQuestionResponse interface question_types/quiz_question/ Each question type must store its own response data and be able to calculate a score for that data. 1
quiz_views_handler_argument_quiz_nid class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_argument_user_uid_nullable class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_field_number_questions class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_field_question_status class includes/views/handlers/ @file Views field handler that translates question status integer constants (as defined in quiz.module) into their human-readable string counterparts.
quiz_views_handler_field_score_aggregate class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_field_takes class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_field_user_quiz_state class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_filter_question_status class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_filter_quiz_nid class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_filter_user_nullable class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_filter_user_quiz_state class includes/views/handlers/
quiz_views_handler_relationship_quiz_nid class includes/views/handlers/
ShortAnswerQuestion class question_types/short_answer/ Implementation of QuizQuestion.
ShortAnswerResponse class question_types/short_answer/ The short answer question response class.
TrueFalseQuestion class question_types/quiz_question/ Implementation of QuizQuestion.
TrueFalseResponse class question_types/quiz_question/

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