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README.txt in Quiz 7.6

The Quiz module provides tools for authoring quizzes and assessing
users through Drupal. A Quiz is given as a series of questions. Answers
are then stored in the database. Scores and results are displayed
during or after the quiz. See all the features below!

This module provides tools for
 * Online courses (Audio and Video enabled)
 * Self-learning programs
 * Training programs
 * Supplementary classroom activities

Features (7.x-5.x)

 * Improved coding standards/style, The Drupal Way!™
 * Entity API, Views 3, Rules integration
 * Huge code cleanup from 4.x
 * Multiple result & feedback options
 * Views & bulk operations for managing questions/results
 * Drag and drop ordering of questions/answers/pages
 * Configurable questions per page
 * Question randomization, from pool or category
 * Multiple attempts per user
 * Stability from new test cases (2000+ assertions)
 * Adaptive mode and feedback
 * Build on last attempt mode
 * Timed quizzes
 * Question reuse across multiple Quizzes
 * Robust Quiz/Question versioning
 * OO API for question types and responses
 * Smooth upgrade from 7.x-4.x

Question types included

 * Page (of questions)
 * Multiple choice
 * Drag and drop (with lines)
 * Scale
 * Question directions
 * True or false
 * Matching
 * Short answers
 * Long answers

Quiz addons

 * Charts - used by Quiz stats to render some useful data
 * jQuery Countdown - provides jQuery timer for timed quizzes

Check out the Quiz affiliated modules wiki to see the list of
modules that extend quiz.


Many users have contributed lots of feature requests and bug reports.
Previous maintainers also deserve a lot of credit! Join the Quiz group
at to get involved!

Quiz is currently being sponsored by:
djdevin@DLC Solutions/EthosCE for the 7.x-5.x branch

Previous sponsors
The e-learning company Amendor
The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education
Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine


View source
  1. The Quiz module provides tools for authoring quizzes and assessing
  2. users through Drupal. A Quiz is given as a series of questions. Answers
  3. are then stored in the database. Scores and results are displayed
  4. during or after the quiz. See all the features below!
  5. This module provides tools for
  6. * Online courses (Audio and Video enabled)
  7. * Self-learning programs
  8. * Training programs
  9. * Supplementary classroom activities
  10. Features (7.x-5.x)
  11. * Improved coding standards/style, The Drupal Way!™
  12. * Entity API, Views 3, Rules integration
  13. * Huge code cleanup from 4.x
  14. * Multiple result & feedback options
  15. * Views & bulk operations for managing questions/results
  16. * Drag and drop ordering of questions/answers/pages
  17. * Configurable questions per page
  18. * Question randomization, from pool or category
  19. * Multiple attempts per user
  20. * Stability from new test cases (2000+ assertions)
  21. * Adaptive mode and feedback
  22. * Build on last attempt mode
  23. * Timed quizzes
  24. * Question reuse across multiple Quizzes
  25. * Robust Quiz/Question versioning
  26. * OO API for question types and responses
  27. * Smooth upgrade from 7.x-4.x
  28. Question types included
  29. * Page (of questions)
  30. * Multiple choice
  31. * Drag and drop (with lines)
  32. * Scale
  33. * Question directions
  34. * True or false
  35. * Matching
  36. * Short answers
  37. * Long answers
  38. Quiz addons
  39. * Charts - used by Quiz stats to render some useful data
  40. * jQuery Countdown - provides jQuery timer for timed quizzes
  41. Check out the Quiz affiliated modules wiki to see the list of
  42. modules that extend quiz.
  43. Credits
  44. Many users have contributed lots of feature requests and bug reports.
  45. Previous maintainers also deserve a lot of credit! Join the Quiz group
  46. at to get involved!
  47. Quiz is currently being sponsored by:
  48. djdevin@DLC Solutions/EthosCE for the 7.x-5.x branch
  49. Previous sponsors
  50. The e-learning company Amendor
  51. The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education
  52. Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine