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function quicktabs_get_css in Quick Tabs 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 quicktabs.module \quicktabs_get_css()

Fetch the necessary CSS files for the tab style.

1 call to quicktabs_get_css()
QuickQuicktabs::add_attached in plugins/
Add any necessary js, css and libraries for the render array.


./quicktabs.module, line 554


function quicktabs_get_css($style) {
  if ($style == 'default') {

    // Get the default style.
    $style = variable_get('quicktabs_tabstyle', 'nostyle');
  if ($style == 'nostyle') {
    return array();
  $style_css = _quicktabs_get_style_css($style);
  return $style_css;