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function quickedit_preprocess_panels_pane in Quick Edit 7

Implements hook_preprocess_panels_pane().

When a node is added as a pane, get it's view mode to build data-quickedit-field-id properly.


./quickedit.module, line 577
Provides in-place content editing functionality for fields.


function quickedit_preprocess_panels_pane(&$variables) {

  // If the user lacks the appropriate permission, return early to avoid
  // processing.
  if (!user_access('access in-place editing')) {

  // If we don't have a node object to work with, return early to avoid
  // processing.
  // Note: This convoluted check is required because the expression
  // $variables['content']['#node'] is being interpreted as "the first character
  // of the string in $variables['content']" in panes that contain 'content' as
  // a string, rather than an array. Bleh.
  if (!isset($variables['content']['#node']) || !is_object($variables['content']['#node'])) {
  $node = $variables['content']['#node'];
  $language = !empty($node->language) ? $node->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;
  $view_mode = !empty($variables['pane']->configuration['build_mode']) ? $variables['pane']->configuration['build_mode'] : 'default';
  $quickedit_id_suffix = "{$language}/{$view_mode}";

  // Set data-quickedit-is-contextual-region-for-entity attribute, to indicate
  // that this Panels pane contains an in-place editable entity, yet the
  // contextual region is not the DOM element of that entity itself, but this
  // Panels pane. The data-quickedit-entity-id attribute is already being set on
  // the node's DOM element, since Panels just uses the standard render
  // pipeline.
  $variables['attributes_array']['data-quickedit-is-contextual-region-for-entity'] = '';
  $node_type = node_type_get_type($node->type);
  if ($node_type->has_title) {

    // Title needs some special handling. Only wraps it when it hasn't been
    // overridden. There is no way to update the panels configuration in Quick
    // Edit module currently.
    $configuration = $variables['pane']->configuration;
    if (!$configuration['override_title']) {
      $variables['title'] = quickedit_wrap_pseudofield($variables['title'], "node/{$node->nid}/title/{$quickedit_id_suffix}");