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function quickedit_editor_list in Quick Edit 7

Discovers all available editors by invoking hook_quickedit_editor_info().


bool $reset: Reset the editor info static cache.

Return value

array An associative array keyed on editor ID.

See also

Drupal 8's Quick Edit's EditorManager

3 calls to quickedit_editor_list()
QuickEditEditorSelector::getEditor in includes/QuickEditEditorSelector.php
Implements QuickEditEditorSelectorInterface::getEditor().
quickedit_editor_get in ./quickedit.module
Helper to get a single editor info array.
_quickedit_get_editor_plugin in ./quickedit.module
Helper to get a get an instance of an in-place editor plugin class.


./quickedit.module, line 630
Provides in-place content editing functionality for fields.


function quickedit_editor_list($reset = FALSE) {
  $editors =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, NULL);
  if (!$editors || $reset) {
    $editors = module_invoke_all('quickedit_editor_info');
    drupal_alter('quickedit_editor_info', $editors);
  return $editors;