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function hook_query_parameters_to_url_rewrite_alter in Query Parameters To URL 7

Allow rewriting the final URLs containing encoded query parameters.

Called from hook_url_inbound_alter() and from hook_url_outbound_alter(). If you want to modify the final urls and query parameters, make sure to check for both inbound and outbound direction.

In the outbound case you will most probably want to modify the $context['options']['query'] array, which contains the query parameters that will be encoded into the URL. You can alter both the values and the key.

In the inbound case you will probably want to modify the $context['extracted_query_parameters'] array, which contains the decoded query parameters from the initial inbound URL.


$path String The path that is being rewritten depending on the hook::

$context Array An associative array with additional options depending: on the called hook:

  • called from hook_url_outbound_alter(), will have the following keys:

    • direction - the string 'outbound' so you can use it in conditionals.
    • options - the options array passed to the outbound hook. This contains the 'query' key with the parameters which you will want to change.
    • original_path - the original_path passed to the outbound hook.
    • new_path_without_parameters - the new path prefix that will be used together with the encoded parameters string.
  • called from hook_url_inbound_alter(), will have the following keys:
    • direction - the string 'inbound' so you can use it in conditionals.
    • original_path - the original_path passed to the inbound hook.
    • path_language - the path_language passed to the inbound hook.
    • extracted_query_parameters - the array of query parameters that were decoded from the inbound url.
    • request_uri_path - the request uri path which will be assigned to the $SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable.
    • initial_url_components - an array of url components exploded by '/', of the original inbound url, for informational purposes.
2 invocations of hook_query_parameters_to_url_rewrite_alter()
query_parameters_to_url_url_inbound_alter in ./query_parameters_to_url.module
Implements hook_url_inbound_alter().
query_parameters_to_url_url_outbound_alter in ./query_parameters_to_url.module
Implements hook_url_outbound_alter().


./query_parameters_to_url.api.php, line 75
API documentation for Query Parameters to URL module.


function hook_query_parameters_to_url_rewrite_alter(&$path, &$context) {

  // On Apache Solr Search page, replace facet query parameter, to a shorter
  // string.
  if (strpos($path, 'search/site') !== FALSE) {
    if ($context['direction'] == 'outbound') {
      if (isset($context['options']['query']['f'])) {
        foreach ($context['options']['query']['f'] as &$value) {
          if ($value == 'bundle:event') {
            $value = 'event';
    elseif ($context['direction'] == 'inbound') {
      if (isset($context['extracted_query_parameters']['f'])) {
        foreach ($context['extracted_query_parameters']['f'] as &$value) {
          if ($value == 'event') {
            $value = 'bundle:event';

  // On an events views page, replace exposed filter node ids with cleaned node
  // names. This might not work if nodes contain any characters except
  // alpha-numeric ones. This will also affect performance negatively, because
  // of node_loads on each outbound hook invocation.
  // This is just a proof of concept how to replace ids with node titles, and is
  // not full proof. You should develop your own, based on your own needs.
  if (strpos($path, 'events') !== FALSE) {
    if ($context['direction'] == 'outbound') {
      if (isset($context['options']['query']['og_group_ref_target_id'])) {

        // Load nodes by ids.
        $nodes = node_load_multiple($context['options']['query']['og_group_ref_target_id']);
        foreach ($context['options']['query']['og_group_ref_target_id'] as $key => $value) {
          if (isset($nodes[$value])) {

            // Replace the id with a node title.
            $value = str_replace(' ', '-', trim($nodes[$value]->title));

            // Rename the query parameter name into something nicer and shorter.
            $context['options']['query']['ref'][$key] = $value;
    elseif ($context['direction'] == 'inbound') {
      if (isset($context['extracted_query_parameters']['ref'])) {

        // Replace all the title dashes with spaces, to restore to actual node
        // title.
        $node_titles = array();
        foreach ($context['extracted_query_parameters']['ref'] as &$value) {
          $node_titles[] = str_replace('-', ' ', $value);

        // Load the nodes by title.
        $conditions = array(
          'title' => $node_titles,
        $nodes = node_load_multiple(NULL, $conditions);
        if (!empty($nodes)) {
          $nodes_by_url = array();

          // Make an associative array indexed by the node title url components
          // and with the value being set to the node id.
          foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) {
            $nodes_by_url[str_replace(' ', '-', trim($node->title))] = $node->nid;

          // Replace the query parameter values with actual node ids.
          foreach ($context['extracted_query_parameters']['ref'] as $key => &$value) {
            if (isset($nodes_by_url[$value])) {
              $context['extracted_query_parameters']['og_group_ref_target_id'][$key] = $nodes_by_url[$value];