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function _pwa_serviceworker_file in Progressive Web App 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 pwa.module \_pwa_serviceworker_file()

Take the serviceworker template file and replace all the variables needed.

Return value



./pwa.module, line 313


function _pwa_serviceworker_file() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'pwa');
  $sw = file_get_contents($path . '/js/serviceworker/_template.js');
  $precache_page = _pwa_config_value_split('pwa_sw_precache_page', '');
  $precache_asset = _pwa_config_value_split('pwa_sw_precache_asset', '');
  $offline_url = url('/offline');
  $offline_image = file_create_url($path . '/assets/offline-image.png');

  // Look up module release from package info.
  $pwa_module_version = pwa_version_assets('pwa');

  // Set up placeholders.
  $replace = [];

  // Data for the SW scripts
  $drupalPWASettings = [
    'version' => $pwa_module_version . '-v' . variable_get('pwa_sw_cache_version', 1),
    'debug' => (bool) variable_get('pwa_sw_debug', FALSE),
    'cache' => [
      // Never include these URLs in the SW cache.
      'exclude' => array_merge(_pwa_config_value_split('pwa_sw_cache_exclude', PWA_SW_CACHE_EXCLUDE), [
      // Precached URLs. Add URLs using the 'Service Worker' tab of the Drupal UI.
      'precache' => [
        'page' => array_merge($precache_page, [
          variable_get('pwa_start_url', '/?source=pwa'),
        // Cached assets. These are extracted using internal HTTP requests during Drupal
        // cache clears and this list will be hardcoded in the resultant SW file.
        'asset' => array_merge($precache_asset, [
      // Strategies for caching specific patterns.
      'patterns' => [
        'page' => _pwa_config_value_explode('pwa_sw_patterns_page', ''),
        // Not used currently.
        'asset' => _pwa_config_value_explode('pwa_sw_patterns_asset', ''),
      'assets' => variable_get('pwa_sw_asset_config', PWA_SW_ASSETS),
      'offline' => [
        // When no connection is available, show this URL instead of the content that
        // should be available at the URL. This URL is never shown in the browser.
        'page' => $offline_url,
        // When an image hasn't been cached, we use this fallback image instead.
        'image' => $offline_image,

  // @todo introduce a plugin system to deal with additional features to the serviceworker.
  if (variable_get('pwa_sw_phonehome', TRUE)) {
    $drupalPWASettings['phonehome'] = [
      // Idle time in seconds afterwhich we should check if the user has access
      // to the serviceworker.
      'idle' => 10 * 60,
      // Number of page requests to wait until we check user access to the
      // serviceworker.
      'count' => 10,
  drupal_alter('pwa_serviceworker_data', $drupalPWASettings);

  // Pretty print the json to make it easier to see what's in the SW.
  $replace['{/*drupalPWASettings*/}'] = json_encode($drupalPWASettings, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_AMP | JSON_HEX_QUOT);

  // List of scripts to import to build the serviceworker.
  $workbox_url = variable_get('pwa_workbox_url');
  $scripts = [
    'utils' => $path . '/js/serviceworker/utils.js',
    //'lifecycle' => $path . '/js/serviceworker/lifecycle.js',

    // @todo introduce a plugin system to deal with additional features to the serviceworker.
    'phonehome' => variable_get('pwa_sw_phonehome', TRUE) ? $path . '/js/serviceworker/phonehome.js' : NULL,
    'workbox' => !empty($workbox_url) ? $workbox_url : PWA_WORKBOX_URL,
    'cache' => $path . '/js/serviceworker/cache.js',
  drupal_alter('pwa_serviceworker_script', $scripts);
  $importScripts = [];
  foreach (array_filter($scripts) as $script) {
    $importScripts[] = "importScripts('" . url($script, [
      'query' => [
        'v' => $pwa_module_version,
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    ]) . "');";
  $replace['/*importScripts*/'] = implode("\n", $importScripts);

  // Fill placeholders and return final file.
  return str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $sw);