function _pwa_fetch_offline_page_resources in Progressive Web App 7
Discover CSS/JS assets present in offline URLs so they can be cached during the Service Worker install event.
Return value
1 call to _pwa_fetch_offline_page_resources()
- _pwa_serviceworker_file in ./
pwa.module - Take the serviceworker template file and replace all the variables needed.
- ./
pwa.module, line 239
function _pwa_fetch_offline_page_resources($pages) {
$resources = [];
// For each Drupal path, request the HTML response and parse any CSS/JS found
// within the HTML. Since this is the pure HTML response, any DOM modifications
// that trigger new requests cannot be accounted for. An example would be an
// asynchronously-loaded webfont.
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$response = drupal_http_request(url($page, [
'absolute' => TRUE,
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
foreach ($xpath
->query('//script[@src]') as $script) {
$resources[] = $script
foreach ($xpath
->query('//link[@rel="stylesheet"][@href]') as $stylesheet) {
$resources[] = $stylesheet
foreach ($xpath
->query('//img[@src]') as $image) {
$resources[] = $image
$dedupe = array_unique($resources);
return $dedupe;