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function _push_notifications_get_apns_certificate in Push Notifications 7

Get the full path to the APNS certificate.

Return value

string The path to the certificate file on the server.

3 calls to _push_notifications_get_apns_certificate()
push_notifications_admin_form_submit in includes/
Submit callback for push notification configuration page.
push_notifications_apns_feedback_service in ./push_notifications.module
Connect to Apple's feedback server to remove unused device tokens. Connection modeled after daddyhunt_apns_send_notifications function.
push_notifications_open_apns in ./push_notifications.module
Open an APNS connection. Should be closed by calling fclose($connection) after usage.


./push_notifications.module, line 1366
Push Notifications functionality.


function _push_notifications_get_apns_certificate() {
  $path = variable_get('push_notifications_apns_certificate_folder', '');
  if (empty($path)) {
    $path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'certificates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
  if (!file_exists($path)) {
    watchdog('push_notifications', 'Cannot find apns certificate file at @path', array(
      '@path' => $path,
    ), WATCHDOG_WARNING, l(t('settings'), 'admin/config/services/push_notifications/configure'));
  return $path;