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push_notifications.links.task.yml in Push Notifications 8


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  1. # Define local tasks with the configuration options for push notifications
  2. # as the base route. Generates tabs with push_notifications.push_notifications_config_form
  3. # as the base route.
  4. # @see
  5. push_notifications.push_notifications_config_form:
  6. route_name: push_notifications.push_notifications_config_form
  7. base_route: push_notifications.push_notifications_config_form
  8. title: Configuration
  9. weight: 10
  10. push_notifications.send_message_form:
  11. route_name: push_notifications.send_message_form
  12. base_route: push_notifications.push_notifications_config_form
  13. title: Send Message
  14. weight: 20
  15. push_notifications.token.collection:
  16. route_name: push_notifications.token.collection
  17. base_route: push_notifications.push_notifications_config_form
  18. title: Token List
  19. weight: 30
  20. push_notifications.push_notifications_list:
  21. title: Push Notifications
  22. route_name: entity.push_notification.collection
  23. base_route: system.admin_content
  24. description: 'A list of all push notifications'
  25. weight: 100