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7 calls to ServiceBase::getPlugins() in Purge 8.3

DiagnosticsService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/DiagnosticCheck/DiagnosticsService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.
ProcessorsService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/Processor/ProcessorsService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.
PurgersService::getPluginsAvailable in src/Plugin/Purge/Purger/PurgersService.php
This method takes into account that purger plugins that are not multi-instantiable, can only be loaded once and are no longer available if they are already available. Plugins that are multi-instantiable, will always be listed.
PurgersService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/Purger/PurgersService.php
QueuersService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/Queuer/QueuersService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.
ServiceBase::getPluginsEnabled in src/ServiceBase.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.
TagsHeadersService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/TagsHeader/TagsHeadersService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.