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public function ServiceBase::getPlugins in Purge 8.3

Retrieve a list of all available plugins providing the service.

Return value

array[] Associative array with plugin definitions and the plugin_id in each key.

Overrides ServiceInterface::getPlugins

See also


7 calls to ServiceBase::getPlugins()
DiagnosticsService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/DiagnosticCheck/DiagnosticsService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.
ProcessorsService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/Processor/ProcessorsService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.
PurgersService::getPluginsAvailable in src/Plugin/Purge/Purger/PurgersService.php
This method takes into account that purger plugins that are not multi-instantiable, can only be loaded once and are no longer available if they are already available. Plugins that are multi-instantiable, will always be listed.
PurgersService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/Purger/PurgersService.php
QueuersService::getPluginsEnabled in src/Plugin/Purge/Queuer/QueuersService.php
Retrieve the configured plugin_ids that the service will use.

... See full list

1 method overrides ServiceBase::getPlugins()
QueueService::getPlugins in src/Plugin/Purge/Queue/QueueService.php
Retrieve a list of all available plugins providing the service.


src/ServiceBase.php, line 36


Provides a generic service for all DIC-registered service classes by Purge.




public function getPlugins() {
  if (is_null($this->plugins)) {
    $this->plugins = $this->pluginManager
  return $this->plugins;