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QueueCommands.php in Purge 8.3


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namespace Drupal\purge_drush\Commands;

use Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotationData;
use Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields;
use Consolidation\SiteAlias\SiteAliasManagerAwareInterface;
use Consolidation\SiteAlias\SiteAliasManagerAwareTrait;
use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Invalidation\Exception\InvalidExpressionException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Invalidation\Exception\MissingExpressionException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Invalidation\Exception\TypeUnsupportedException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Invalidation\InvalidationsServiceInterface;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Processor\ProcessorsServiceInterface;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Purger\Exception\CapacityException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Purger\Exception\DiagnosticsException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Purger\Exception\LockException;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Purger\PurgersServiceInterface;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queue\QueueServiceInterface;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queue\StatsTrackerInterface;
use Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queuer\QueuersServiceInterface;
use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;
use Drush\Drush;
use Drush\Exceptions\UserAbortException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableCell;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableSeparator;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput;

 * Interact with the Purge queue from the command line.
class QueueCommands extends DrushCommands implements SiteAliasManagerAwareInterface {
  use SiteAliasManagerAwareTrait;

   * The 'purge.processors' service.
   * @var \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Processor\ProcessorsServiceInterface
  protected $purgeProcessors;

   * The 'purge.purgers' service.
   * @var \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Purger\PurgersServiceInterface
  protected $purgePurgers;

   * The 'purge.invalidation.factory' service.
   * @var \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Invalidation\InvalidationsServiceInterface
  protected $purgeInvalidationFactory;

   * The 'purge.queue' service.
   * @var \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queue\QueueServiceInterface
  protected $purgeQueue;

   * The 'purge.queue.stats' service.
   * @var \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queue\StatsTrackerInterface
  protected $purgeQueueStats;

   * The 'purge.queuers' service.
   * @var \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queuer\QueuersServiceInterface
  protected $purgeQueuers;

   * Construct a QueueCommands object.
   * @param \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Processor\ProcessorsServiceInterface $purge_processors
   *   The purge processors service.
   * @param \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Purger\PurgersServiceInterface $purge_purgers
   *   The purge purgers service.
   * @param \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Invalidation\InvalidationsServiceInterface $purge_invalidation_factory
   *   The purge invalidation factory service.
   * @param \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queue\QueueServiceInterface $purge_queue
   *   The purge queue service.
   * @param \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queue\StatsTrackerInterface $purge_queue_stats
   *   The purge queue statistics service.
   * @param \Drupal\purge\Plugin\Purge\Queuer\QueuersServiceInterface $purge_queuers
   *   The purge queuers service.
  public function __construct(ProcessorsServiceInterface $purge_processors, PurgersServiceInterface $purge_purgers, InvalidationsServiceInterface $purge_invalidation_factory, QueueServiceInterface $purge_queue, StatsTrackerInterface $purge_queue_stats, QueuersServiceInterface $purge_queuers) {
    $this->purgeProcessors = $purge_processors;
    $this->purgePurgers = $purge_purgers;
    $this->purgeInvalidationFactory = $purge_invalidation_factory;
    $this->purgeQueue = $purge_queue;
    $this->purgeQueueStats = $purge_queue_stats;
    $this->purgeQueuers = $purge_queuers;

   * Transform the space-separated argument list into a usable array structure.
   * @hook init p:queue-add
  public function queueAddParseExpressions(InputInterface $input, AnnotationData $annotationData) {
    $raw = trim(implode(" ", $input
    $expressions = [];
    if ($raw) {
      $expressions = explode(' ', $raw);
      $expressions = array_map('trim', explode(',', implode(' ', $expressions)));
      array_walk($expressions, function (&$value, $key) {
        $value = explode(' ', $value);
        if (!isset($value[1])) {
          $value = [
            'type' => $value[0],
            'expression' => NULL,
        else {
          $value = [
            'type' => $value[0],
            'expression' => $value[1],
      ->setArgument('expressions', $expressions);

   * Add one or more items to the queue for later processing.
   * @param array $expressions
   *   Comma-separated and typed list of expressions to add to the queue.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options whose values come from Drush.
   * @usage drush p:queue-add tag node:1
   *   Clears all cached pages matching TAG "node:1".
   * @usage drush pqa url
   *   Clears only the URL provided.
   * @usage drush pqa wildcardurl*
   *   Clears URLs by wildcard, all under will be cleared.
   * @usage drush pqa everything
   *   Instructs to clear the entire site, be careful!
   * @usage drush pqa tag node:1,tag node:2,url http://../rss.xml,tag node:321
   *   Comma separated input of multiple items.
   * @command p:queue-add
   * @aliases pqa,p-queue-add
  public function queueAdd(array $expressions, array $options = [
    'format' => 'string',
  ]) {

    // Retrieve our queuer object and fail when it is not returned.
    if (!($queuer = $this->purgeQueuers
      ->get('drush_purge_queue_add'))) {
      throw new \Exception(dt("Please add the required queuer:\ndrush p:queuer-add drush_purge_queue_add"));
    if (empty($expressions)) {
      throw new \Exception(dt("Please provide one or more expressions."));

    // Iterate the provided input and provide feedback to the user.
    $invalidations = [];
    foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
      $type = $expression['type'];
      $expression = $expression['expression'];
      if (is_null($type) || empty($type)) {

      // Instantiate the invalidation object based on user input.
      try {
        $invalidations[] = $this->purgeInvalidationFactory
          ->get($type, $expression);
      } catch (PluginNotFoundException $e) {
        throw new \Exception(dt("Type '@type' does not exist, see 'drush p:types' for available types.", [
          '@type' => $type,
      } catch (InvalidExpressionException $e) {
        throw new \Exception($e
      } catch (TypeUnsupportedException $e) {
        throw new \Exception(dt("There is no purger supporting '@type', please install one!", [
          '@type' => $type,
      } catch (MissingExpressionException $e) {
        throw new \Exception($e

      // Prevent users from accidentally harming their website.
      if ($options['format'] === 'string' && $type === 'everything') {
          ->caution(dt("Invalidating everything will mass-clear potentially" . " thousands of pages, which could temporarily make your site really" . " slow as external caches will have to warm up again.\n"));
        if (!$this
          ->confirm(dt("Are you really sure?"))) {
          throw new UserAbortException();

    // Add the objects to the queue and give user feedback.
      ->add($queuer, $invalidations);
    if ($options['format'] == 'string') {
        ->success(dt('Added @count item(s) to the queue.', [
        '@count' => count($invalidations),

   * Inspect what is in the queue by paging through it.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options whose values come from Drush.
   * @option limit
   *   The number of items to show on a single page.
   * @option page
   *   The page to show data for, pages start at 1.
   * @option no-translations
   *   Disable returning translated type and state fields.
   * @usage drush p:queue-browse
   *   Browse queue content and press space to load more.
   * @usage drush p:queue-browse --limit=50
   *   Browse the queue content and show 50 items at a time.
   * @usage drush p:queue-browse --page=3
   *   Show page 3 of the queue.
   * @usage drush p:queue-browse --page=3 --format=json|yaml
   *   Fetch a page from the queue exported as JSON.
   * @command p:queue-browse
   * @aliases pqb,p-queue-browse
   * @return null|\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields
   *   Row-based structure of data.
  public function queueBrowse(array $options = [
    'format' => 'table',
    'limit' => 30,
    'page' => 1,
    'no-translations' => FALSE,
  ]) {
    $options['limit'] = (int) $options['limit'];
    $options['page'] = (int) $options['page'];

    // Set the queue paging limit according to the passed --limit parameter.

    // Fetch a page of queue items for all non-interactive outputs.
    if ($options['format'] !== 'table' || $options['no-interaction']) {
      $output = [];
      foreach ($this->purgeQueue
        ->selectPage($options['page']) as $immutable) {
        if ($options['format'] === 'list') {
          $output[] = $immutable
        elseif ($options['no-translations']) {
          $output[] = [
            'type' => $immutable
            'state' => $immutable
            'expression' => $immutable
        else {
          $output[] = [
            'type' => (string) $immutable
            'state' => (string) $immutable
            'expression' => $immutable
      return new RowsOfFields($output);

    // Iterate through every page and let the user page interactively.
    for ($page = $options['page']; $page <= ($max = $this->purgeQueue
      ->selectPageMax()); $page++) {

      // Build the pager string and $prev/$next variables.
      $pgrprev = ($prev = $page !== 1) ? '[←]' : '   ';
      $pgrnext = ($next = $page !== $max) ? '[→]' : '   ';
      $pgrpage = dt("page") . ' ' . sprintf("%d/%d", $page, $max);
      $pager = sprintf("%s %s %s", $pgrprev, $pgrpage, $pgrnext);

      // Recursively gather the rows as a RowsOfFields object.
      $options['page'] = $page;
      $options['format'] = 'json';
      $options['no-interaction'] = TRUE;
      $rows = (array) $this
      $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
      $rows[] = [
        new TableCell(dt("[q]uit")),
        new TableCell($pager, [
          'colspan' => 2,

      // Render the table through a buffer so we can count the lines.
      $output = new BufferedOutput();
      $table = new Table($output);
      $table = $output
      $table_lines = substr_count($table, "\n");

      // Listen to keyboard input for [q]uit, [←] previous, [→] next.
      system('stty cbreak');
      while (TRUE) {
        $char = ord(fgetc(STDIN));

        // Erase the line:

        // Move cursor to begin of the line:

        // Skip input iteration for noise character codes during keypresses.
        if (in_array($char, [
        ])) {

        // Arrow-back: wipe rendered lines, render the previous page.
        if ($prev && $char === 68) {
          $page = $page - 2;
            ->write(str_repeat("\33[1A\33[2K", $table_lines));
        elseif ($next && in_array($char, [
        ])) {
            ->write(str_repeat("\33[1A\33[2K", $table_lines));
        elseif ($char === 113 || !$next && $char === 67) {
          return NULL;
    return NULL;

   * Empty the entire queue.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options whose values come from Drush.
   * @usage drush p:queue-empty
   *   Empty the entire queue.
   * @command p:queue-empty
   * @aliases pqe,p-queue-empty
  public function queueEmpty(array $options = [
    'format' => 'string',
  ]) {
    $total = (int) $this->purgeQueueStats
    if ($options['format'] === 'string' && $total) {
      $question = dt("Are you certain you want to delete @total items?", [
        '@total' => $total,
      if (!$this
        ->confirm($question)) {
        throw new UserAbortException();
    if ($options['format'] == 'string') {
      if ($total !== 0) {
        return $this
          ->success(dt('Cleared @total items from the queue.', [
          '@total' => $total,
      else {
        return $this
          ->success(dt('The queue was empty, nothing to clear!'));
    return (string) $total;

   * Retrieve the queue statistics.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options whose values come from Drush.
   * @option reset-totals
   *   Wipe the TOTAL statistical counters.
   * @usage drush p:queue-stats
   *   Retrieve the queue statistics.
   * @usage drush p:queue-stats --reset-totals
   *   Wipe the TOTAL statistical counters.
   * @usage drush p:queue-stats --format=json
   *   Fetch the data as JSON.
   * @usage drush p:queue-stats --format=yaml
   *   Fetch the data as YAML.
   * @command p:queue-stats
   * @aliases pqs,p-queue-stats
  public function queueStatistics(array $options = [
    'format' => 'table',
    'reset-totals' => FALSE,
  ]) {

    // Reset the total counters if requested to.
    if ($options['reset-totals'] && $options['format'] === 'table') {
        ->writeln(dt("You are about to reset all total counters...\n"));
      if (!$this
        ->confirm(dt("Are you really sure?"))) {
        throw new UserAbortException();
    elseif ($options['reset-totals']) {

    // Normal output generation.
    if ($options['format'] === 'table') {
      $table = [];
      $align_right = function ($input, $size = 20) {
        return str_repeat(' ', $size - strlen($input)) . $input;
      foreach ($this->purgeQueueStats as $statistic) {
        $table[] = [
          'left' => $align_right(strtoupper($statistic
          'right' => $statistic
        $table[] = [
          'left' => $align_right($statistic
          'right' => '',
        $table[] = [
          'left' => '',
          'right' => wordwrap($statistic
            ->getDescription(), 80),
        $table[] = [
          'left' => '',
          'right' => '',

      // Returning a RowsOfFields object doesn't allow us to dismiss the header.
        ->table([], $table);
    else {
      $statistics = [];
      foreach ($this->purgeQueueStats as $statistic) {
          ->getId()] = $statistic
      return $statistics;

   * Count how many items are currently in the queue.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options whose values come from Drush.
   * @usage drush p:queue-volume
   *   The number of items in the queue.
   * @usage drush p:queue-volume --format=yaml
   *   YAML parseable output.
   * @usage drush p:queue-volume --format=json
   *   JSON parseable output.
   * @command p:queue-volume
   * @aliases pqv,p-queue-volume
  public function queueVolume(array $options = [
    'format' => 'string',
  ]) {
    $volume = $this->purgeQueue
    if ($options['format'] == 'string') {
      return dt('There are @total items in the queue.', [
        '@total' => $volume,
    return (string) $volume;

   * Process one or more chunks of items from the queue.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options whose values come from Drush.
   * @option finish
   *   Keep processing until the queue is empty.
   * @usage drush p:queue-work
   *   Process one chunk of queue items from the queue.
   * @usage drush p:queue-work --format=json|yaml
   *   Process one chunk and return parsable output.
   * @usage drush p:queue-work --finish
   *   Keep processing until the queue is empty.
   * @usage drush p:queue-work --finish --format=json|yaml
   *   Keep processing and return parsable output.
   * @usage drush p:queue-work --no-interaction
   *   Process one chunk without process fork. This mode suited for cron jobs
   *   and does not set a UNIX return status.
   * @command p:queue-work
   * @aliases pqw,p-queue-work
  public function queueWork(array $options = [
    'format' => 'string',
    'finish' => FALSE,
  ]) {

    // Process one chunk outside of a fork and without result interpretation.
    if ($options['finish'] === FALSE && $options['no-interaction']) {
      return $this

    // Process one/multiple chunks and gather the results.
    $opt = [
      'format' => 'json',
      'finish' => FALSE,
      'no-interaction' => TRUE,
    $self = $this
    $runs = [];
    do {
      $subproc = Drush::drush($self, 'p:queue-work', [], $opt);
      if (!is_array($result = json_decode($subproc
        ->getOutput(), TRUE))) {
        throw new \Exception("Inter-process communication failure!");
      $runs[] = $result;

      // Break the loop when finished processing or initially empty.
      if ($result['error'] == 'empty') {
        if (count($runs) === 1) {
          throw new \Exception(dt("The queue is empty or has only locked items!"));

      // Render a simple results table during interactive runs.
      if ($options['format'] == 'string') {
          ->table([], [
            dt("Currently invalidating"),
            dt("Not supported"),

      // Break the loop for any other type of error.
      if ($result['error']) {
        throw new \Exception($result['error']);
    } while ($options['finish'] && is_null($result['error']));
    return $options['format'] == 'string' ? NULL : new RowsOfFields($runs);

   * Process a single chunk with items from the queue.
   * @param null|bool|string $returnstruct
   *   When TRUE or a (error) string, this returns an empty response array.
   * @return array
   *   Associative array with the following items:
   *    - str   'error'
   *    - int   'total'
   *    - int   'processing'
   *    - int   'succeeded'
   *    - int   'failed'
   *    - int   'not_supported'
  protected function queueWorkChunk($returnstruct = NULL) {
    if (!is_null($returnstruct)) {
      return [
        'error' => is_string($returnstruct) ? $returnstruct : NULL,
        'total' => 0,
        'processing' => 0,
        'succeeded' => 0,
        'failed' => 0,
        'not_supported' => 0,

    // Retrieve the processor object and fail when it is not available.
    if (!($processor = $this->purgeProcessors
      ->get('drush_purge_queue_work'))) {
      return $this
        ->queueWorkChunk(dt("Please add the required processor:\ndrush p:processor-add drush_purge_queue_work"));

    // Claim a chunk of items and exit execution when finished.
    if (!($claims = $this->purgeQueue
      ->claim())) {
      return $this

    // Attempt to process the claims and handle the results.
    try {
        ->invalidate($processor, $claims);
    } catch (DiagnosticsException $e) {
      return $this
    } catch (CapacityException $e) {
      return $this
    } catch (LockException $e) {
      return $this
    } finally {

    // Propagate the result structure by counting states.
    $result = $this
    $result['total'] = count($claims);
    foreach ($claims as $claim) {

    // Fail hard when the numbers aren't looking good.
    if ($result['succeeded'] === 0 && $result['processing'] === 0) {
      $result['error'] = dt("Not a single invalidation was successful!");
    if ($result['failed'] / $result['total'] > 0.4) {
      $result['error'] = dt("Over 40% failed, please check the logs!");
    return $result;



Namesort descending Description
QueueCommands Interact with the Purge queue from the command line.