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public function ProtectedNodePrivateFile::testAuthenticatedMultipleNodesAllowedView in Protected Node 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 1.0.x tests/protected_node.private_file.test \ProtectedNodePrivateFile::testAuthenticatedMultipleNodesAllowedView()

Test function.

Test that a file used on two protected nodes with per node protection can be downloaded if the user has access to one node.

See function testPrivateFile() from file.test.


tests/protected_node.private_file.test, line 152
Test protected node behavior with private files.


Configure protected_node to use per node password and use private file field.


public function testAuthenticatedMultipleNodesAllowedView() {

  // Log in as Admin.

  // Generate two random passwords.
  $password1 = $this
  $password2 = $this

  // Create two new page nodes.
  $node1 = $this
  $node2 = $this

  // Once the node created logout the user.

  // Ensure the file cannot be downloaded.
    ->assertResponse(403, 'Confirmed that access is denied for the file without access to the node.');

  // An authenticated user sees the first node.
  $form = array(
    'password' => $password1,
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $node1->nid, $form, t('OK'));
  $text = $node1->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
    ->assertText($text, "User with right permission can access a protected node with the right password", $this->group);

  // An authenticated user can't see the second node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node2->nid);
  $text = 'Protected page -- Enter password';
    ->assertText($text, "User with right permission can't access a protected node without entering the password", $this->group);

  // Ensure the file can be downloaded even if the user can't access the
  // second node.
    ->assertResponse(200, 'Confirmed that the generated URL is correct by downloading the shipped file on the second node.');