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public function ProtectedNodePageDisplay::testDefaultHideTitle in Protected Node 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 1.0.x tests/protected_node.page_text.test \ProtectedNodePageDisplay::testDefaultHideTitle()

Test function.

Test that default display text is displayed (not showing title).


tests/protected_node.page_text.test, line 44
Test protected node password page display options.


Configure protected_node to use per node password.


public function testDefaultHideTitle() {

  // Create a protected node without showing its title.
  $node = $this
    ->createProtectedNode(TRUE, FALSE);

  // User sees the default text.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
  $text = t('The @node_type @node_title you are trying to view is password protected. Please enter the password below to proceed.', array(
    '@node_type' => node_type_get_name($node),
    '@node_title' => '',
    ->assertText($text, "Default text displayed on the enter password page does not show the node title", $this->group);