public function ProtectedNodeRules::testPasswordProtectNoValueGiven in Protected Node 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 1.0.x protected_node_rules/tests/protected_node_rules.test \ProtectedNodeRules::testPasswordProtectNoValueGiven()
Test function.
Test that a rule can password protect a node with a random password.
- protected_node_rules/
tests/ protected_node_rules.test, line 101 - Test protected node rules functionality.
- ProtectedNodeRules
- Test protected node rules functionality.
public function testPasswordProtectNoValueGiven() {
// Create an unprotected basic page.
$node = $this
// Make sure it is viewable.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$text = $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
->assertText($text, "User with no access permission can access an unprotected node");
// Create a rule to password protect node on save if the node has no
// password.
$rule = rules_reaction_rule();
$condition = rules_condition('protected_node_rules_condition_content_has_password')
$rule->label = t('Password protect page on presave.');
->action('protected_node_rules_action_password_protect', array(
'node:select' => 'node',
'passwd' => '',
'show_title' => 1,
// Save the node so it is now protected.
// Check the generated password.
$password = $node->protected_node_clear_passwd;
->assertTrue(strlen($password) == 10, "Generated password is 10 characters.", $this->group);
// Now the view content user can't see the node.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
->assertResponse(403, "User with no access permission is not allowed to access a protected node");
// User that can access protected node page tries to do so.
$form = array(
'password' => $password,
->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid, $form, t('OK'));
->assertText($text, "User with right permission can access a protected node with right password", $this->group);
// Resave the node to ensure that the password has not been erased with
// another generated password.
// The view content user still can't see the node.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
->assertResponse(403, "User with no access permission is not allowed to access a protected node");
// User that can access protected node page tries to do so.
$form = array(
'password' => $password,
->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid, $form, t('OK'));
->assertText($text, "User with right permission can access a protected node with right password", $this->group);