You are here in Protected Node 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 1.0.x
name = Protected Node
description = Allows protection of nodes with a password. Works even better with the Token module.
package = Access
core = 7.x

configure = admin/config/content/protected_node

test_dependencies[] = entity:entity
test_dependencies[] = field_collection:field_collection
test_dependencies[] = paragraphs:paragraphs

recommends[] = tokens

files[] = tests/protected_node.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.bulk.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.field_collection.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.fork.test
files[] = tests/
files[] = tests/protected_node.mail_test.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.page_text.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.paragraphs.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.per_node.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.per_type.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.private_file.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.statistics.test
files[] = tests/protected_node.view_mode.test

View source
  1. name = Protected Node
  2. description = Allows protection of nodes with a password. Works even better with the Token module.
  3. package = Access
  4. core = 7.x
  5. configure = admin/config/content/protected_node
  6. test_dependencies[] = entity:entity
  7. test_dependencies[] = field_collection:field_collection
  8. test_dependencies[] = paragraphs:paragraphs
  9. recommends[] = tokens
  10. files[] = tests/protected_node.test
  11. files[] = tests/protected_node.bulk.test
  12. files[] = tests/protected_node.field_collection.test
  13. files[] = tests/protected_node.fork.test
  14. files[] = tests/
  15. files[] = tests/protected_node.mail_test.test
  16. files[] = tests/protected_node.page_text.test
  17. files[] = tests/protected_node.paragraphs.test
  18. files[] = tests/protected_node.per_node.test
  19. files[] = tests/protected_node.per_type.test
  20. files[] = tests/protected_node.private_file.test
  21. files[] = tests/protected_node.statistics.test
  22. files[] = tests/protected_node.view_mode.test