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function protected_node_enter_any_password_validate in Protected Node 1.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \protected_node_enter_any_password_validate()
  2. 7 \protected_node_enter_any_password_validate()

Validate callback.

Verify that the user entered the correct password.

For the flood control,

See also



./, line 171
Redirected page callback file for the protected_node module.


function protected_node_enter_any_password_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  $max_attempt = variable_get('protected_node_failed_password_ip_limit', 50);
  $flood_window = variable_get('protected_node_failed_password_ip_window', 3600);
  if (!flood_is_allowed('failed_protected_node_attempt_ip', $max_attempt, $flood_window)) {
    form_set_error('password', t('Sorry, too many failed password attempts from your IP address. This IP address is temporarily blocked. Try again later.'));

  // Note that global password cannot work here since we couldn't know where
  // to send the user otherwise.
  $nids = protected_node_get_nids_from_protected_pages_parameter();
  $sha1_passwd = sha1($form_state['values']['password']);
  $sha256_passwd = hash('sha256', $form_state['values']['password']);

  // Get an nid matching the password and nids condition.
  // Arbitrary take the smaller nid.
  $nid = db_select('protected_nodes')
    ->fields('protected_nodes', array(
    ->condition('protected_node_passwd', array(
  ), 'IN')
    ->condition('nid', $nids, 'IN')
    ->orderBy('nid', 'ASC')
    ->range(0, 1)
  if (empty($nid)) {
    flood_register_event('failed_protected_node_attempt_ip', $flood_window);
    form_set_error('password', t('Incorrect password!'));
  else {

    // Set a value in $form_state to use in submit.
    $form_state['values']['protected_node_selected_nid'] = $nid;