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function profile2_form_submit_build_profile in Profile 2 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 profile2.module \profile2_form_submit_build_profile()

Submit builder. Extracts the form values and updates the profile entities.

See also


1 call to profile2_form_submit_build_profile()
profile2_form_submit_handler in ./profile2.module
Submit handler that builds and saves all profiles in the form.


./profile2.module, line 703
Support for configurable user profiles.


function profile2_form_submit_build_profile(&$form, &$form_state) {
  foreach ($form_state['profiles'] as $type => $profile) {

    // @see entity_form_submit_build_entity()
    if (isset($form['profile_' . $type]['#entity_builders'])) {
      foreach ($form['profile_' . $type]['#entity_builders'] as $function) {
        $function('profile2', $profile, $form['profile_' . $type], $form_state);
    field_attach_submit('profile2', $profile, $form['profile_' . $type], $form_state);