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11 calls to _profile2_revision_base_path() in Profile 2 7.2

profile2_diff_block_view in contrib/profile2_diff.module
Implements hook_block_view().
profile2_diff_diffs_show in contrib/
Create output string for a comparison of 'profile' between versions 'old_vid' and 'new_vid'.
profile2_diff_entity_view_alter in contrib/profile2_diff.module
Implementation of hook_entity_view_alter().
profile2_diff_inline_form_submit in contrib/profile2_diff.module
Form submission handler for diff_inline_form() for JS-disabled clients.
profile2_diff_latest in contrib/
Menu callback - show latest diff for a given profile.
profile2_diff_profile2_revisions_submit in contrib/
Submit code for input form to select two revisions.
profile2_revision_delete_confirm in ./profile2.module
profile2_revision_delete_confirm_submit in ./profile2.module
profile2_revision_list_build in ./profile2.module
Build the table of older revisions of a profile.
profile2_revision_revert_confirm in ./profile2.module
Ask for confirmation of the reversion to prevent against CSRF attacks.
profile2_revision_revert_confirm_submit in ./profile2.module