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function prod_check_synchronize_prod_check_processors in Production check & Production monitor 8

Helper function to synchronize prod check processor plugins and entities

1 call to prod_check_synchronize_prod_check_processors()
prod_check_cache_flush in ./prod_check.module
Implements hook_cache_flush().


./prod_check.module, line 147
Module file for the prod check module


function prod_check_synchronize_prod_check_processors() {

  // This isn't a nice way but at the moment it's the only way I can think of to keep the one on one relation between
  // prod check entities and plugins intact. As the amount of checks will stay limited this isn't a performance issue.
  $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('prod_check_processor')
    ->condition('status', 1);
  $existing_processor = $query
  $processors = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.prod_check_processor')
  foreach ($processors as $processor) {
    if (!isset($existing_processor[$processor['id']])) {
      $values = [
        'id' => $processor['id'],
        'label' => (string) $processor['title'],

      /** @var ProdCheckEntity $new_check */
      $new_check = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()