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function _privatemsg_service_enhance_participants in Privatemsg 6.2

Collect additional information about messages participants.


$pms: Array of private messages previews.

Return value

Array of private message previews with more information than the participant user ids.

1 call to _privatemsg_service_enhance_participants()
privatemsg_service_get in privatemsg_service/
Get all of the logged in user's private messages.


privatemsg_service/privatemsg_service.module, line 172
Link general privatemsg module functionalities to services module.


function _privatemsg_service_enhance_participants($pms) {

  // Update participant details for all threads.
  foreach ($pms as $key => $message) {
    $participants = array();
    foreach (_privatemsg_generate_user_array($message->participants) as $account) {
      $participants[] = _privatemsg_service_simplify_user($account);
    $pms[$key]->participants = $participants;
  return $pms;