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15 calls to privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix() in Privatemsg 6.2

phptemplate_privatemsg_list_field__count in ./
Theme the replies field.
phptemplate_privatemsg_list_field__subject in ./
Theme the subject of the thread.
pm_block_user_form in pm_block_user/
@file User menu callbacks for pm_block_user.module.
pm_block_user_privatemsg_message_view_alter in pm_block_user/pm_block_user.module
Implements hook_privatemsg_message_view_alter().
PrivatemsgEMailNotifyTestCase::verifyMail in pm_email_notify/pm_email_notify.test
Verify a notification mail.
PrivatemsgURLPrefixTestCase::checkPrefix in ./privatemsg.test
Take a URL prefix and try some private message functionality to ensure that everything is working as expected.
privatemsg_delete in ./
privatemsg_get_link in ./privatemsg.module
Returns a link to send message form for a specific users.
privatemsg_new in ./
Form builder function; Write a new private message.
privatemsg_new_submit in ./
Submit callback for the privatemsg_new form.
privatemsg_user in ./privatemsg.module
privatemsg_view in ./
Menu callback for viewing a thread.
theme_privatemsg_new_block in ./
Theme a block which displays the number of new messages a user has.
_pm_email_notify_token in pm_email_notify/pm_email_notify.module
Return an array of token to value mappings for user e-mail messages.
_privatemsg_block_menu in ./privatemsg.module