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function PrivatemsgURLPrefixTestCase::checkPrefix in Privatemsg 6.2

Take a URL prefix and try some private message functionality to ensure that everything is working as expected.

2 calls to PrivatemsgURLPrefixTestCase::checkPrefix()
PrivatemsgURLPrefixTestCase::testPrefix in ./privatemsg.test
Test that basic URL prefixes work properly.
PrivatemsgURLPrefixTestCase::testPrefixUser in ./privatemsg.test
Test that basic URL prefixes with %user work properly.


./privatemsg.test, line 952
Test file for privatemsg.module


Test privatemsg URL prefixes.


function checkPrefix($url_prefix) {
  $author = $this
    'write privatemsg',
    'read privatemsg',
  $recipient = $this
    'write privatemsg',
    'read privatemsg',
    'tag private messages',
    'create private message tags',
  $admin = $this
    'write privatemsg',
    'read privatemsg',
    'read all private messages',
    'administer privatemsg settings',
    'administer blocks',

  // Create a node that is used later to test link generation.
  $node = $this

  // Login as admin, set prefix, and set blocks.
  $settings = array(
    'privatemsg_url_prefix' => $url_prefix,
    'privatemsg_display_fields[tags]' => 'tags',
    ->drupalPost('admin/settings/messages', $settings, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));

  // Check that 'Messages' link does not show up in main nav if using %user token. Do this before enabling blocks.
  if (strpos($url_prefix, '%user') !== FALSE) {
      ->assertNoText(t('Messages'), t('Messages link should not be found in navigation menu.'));
  $blocks = array(
    'privatemsg_privatemsg-new[region]' => 'left',
    'privatemsg_privatemsg-menu[region]' => 'left',
    ->drupalPost('admin/build/block', $blocks, t('Save blocks'));

  // Login as author.

  // Create new message.
  $edit = array(
    'recipient' => $recipient->name,
    'subject' => $this
    'body' => $this
    ->drupalPost(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($author->uid) . '/new', $edit, t('Send message'));
    ->assertText(t('A message has been sent to @recipients.', array(
    '@recipients' => $recipient->name,
  )), t('Message sent confirmation displayed'));
    ->assertText($edit['body'], t('Message body found using default submit redirect (<new-message>).'));

  // From privatemsg_filter.
    ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($author->uid) . '/sent');
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found on message sent page.'));

  // Check for correct !message URL in sent email from pm_email_notify.
  $captured_emails = $this
    ->assertText(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/view/', t('Found correct message link (' . privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . ') in email body: ') . $captured_emails['0']['body']);

  // Login as recipient.
    ->assertText(t('You have 1 unread message'), t('New message text found after login.'));
    ->clickLink(t('1 unread message'));
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found after clicking on login message link.'));

  // Go to the previously created node to verify that it does not use the nid
  // as the user id.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
    ->clickLink(t('You have a new message! Click here to read it.'));
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found on root message list page.'));

  // Try the private message block links.
    ->clickLink(t('Messages (@count new)', array(
    '@count' => 1,
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found on root message after clicking from Private Messages block.'));
    ->clickLink(t('Write new message'));
    ->assertText(t('Write new message'), t('Write new message title found.'));
    ->clickLink(t('You have a new message! Click here to read it.'));
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found after clicking link on new message block.'));

  // From privatemsg_filter.
    ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/inbox');
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found on inbox message list page.'));
    ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/list');
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found on message list page.'));

  // Click on the message.
    ->assertText($edit['body'], t('Message body found on message view.'));

  // Tag a message to verify that the tag shows up.
  $tagging = array(
    'tags' => $this
    ->clickLink(t('Tag this conversation'));
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $tagging, t('Tag this conversation'));
    ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/inbox');
    ->assertText($tagging['tags'], t('Tag found in inbox.'));

  // Check that blocked users path works as expected.
    ->drupalPost(NULL, NULL, t('Block @user', array(
    '@user' => $author->name,
    ->assertText(t('@author has been blocked from sending you any further messages.', array(
    '@author' => $author->name,
  )), 'Check for block confirmation text.');
    ->assertText($edit['body'], t('Check that we were taken back to message after block.'));
    ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/blocked');
    ->assertText($author->name, t('Author name found on blocked user page.'));

  // Since this user doesn't have read all, test that they are actually denied on other user's message page.
  if (strpos($url_prefix, '%user') !== FALSE) {
  else {
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $author->uid . '/messages');
    ->assertResponse(403, t('Access denied on other users messages page for users without read all permission.'));

  // Log back in as $admin to test read all.
  if (strpos($url_prefix, '%user') !== FALSE) {
  else {
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $recipient->uid . '/messages');
    ->assertText($edit['subject'], t('Message found on author list page with read all permission.'));
    ->assertText($edit['body'], t('Message body found on profile message view.'));
    ->getUrl(), privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid)), t('Check that message view link from profile is in the proper place.'));

  // Check that write message and block are denied from user/%uid/foo/{new|blocked}.
  if (strpos($url_prefix, '%user') !== FALSE) {
      ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/new');
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Access denied for write new message on profile page'));
      ->drupalGet(privatemsg_get_dynamic_url_prefix($recipient->uid) . '/blocked');
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Access denied for blocked users page on profile page'));