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function pm_block_user_privatemsg_sql_autocomplete_alter in Privatemsg 6.2

Implememts hook_privatemsg_sql_autocomplete_alter().

Remove blocked users.


pm_block_user/pm_block_user.module, line 306
Allows users to block other users from sending them any messages


function pm_block_user_privatemsg_sql_autocomplete_alter(&$fragments) {
  global $user;

  // Assume the users don't have blocked more than a few dozen other users
  // but there can be hundreds of thousends of users and make the subquery
  // unrelated.
  // Create a subquery that gets all users which have blocked the current user.
  $subquery = 'SELECT pmbu.recipient FROM {pm_block_user} pmbu WHERE = %d';

  // Exclude these from the possible recipients.
  $fragments['where'][] = 'u.uid NOT IN (' . $subquery . ')';
  $fragments['query_args']['where'][] = $user->uid;

  // Block role configurations.
  if ($user->uid != 1) {
    $rids = array();
    $block_actions = variable_get('pm_block_user_actions', array());
    foreach ($block_actions as $delta => $details) {

      // Only continue if the rule is enabled and is a disallow sending rule.
      if ($details['action'] != PM_BLOCK_USER_DISALLOW_SENDING || !$details['enabled']) {

      // The author (current user) does have a matching role.
      if (isset($user->roles[$details['author']])) {

        // authenticated user role is not stored in the database but all users
        // have it so there can be no valid recipients. Add a condition that is
        // always false and bail out because no other rules need to be checked.
        if ($details['recipient'] == DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID) {
          $fragments['where'][] = '1 = 0';

        // Keep role id, will be added to the query later on.
        $rids[] = $details['recipient'];

    // If there are any, add role limitation to the query.
    if (!empty($rids)) {
      $fragments['inner_join'][] = 'LEFT JOIN {users_roles} ur ON (u.uid = ur.uid)';
      $fragments['where'][] = 'ur.rid NOT IN (' . db_placeholders($rids) . ') OR ur.rid IS NULL';
      $fragments['query_args']['where'] = array_merge($fragments['query_args']['where'], $rids);