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function printable_help in Printer and PDF versions for Drupal 8+ 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 printable.module \printable_help()

Implements hook_help().


./printable.module, line 23
Provides printer friendly content entities.


function printable_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  if ($route_name !== '') {
  return t('
    <p>This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node:<br>
        <li>Web page printer-friendly version (at</li>
        <li>PDF version (at</li>
      where nid is the node id of content to render.)
    <p>This will simplify a lot once <a href=""></a>
    is fixed:<br>
        <li>Download this module either using composer or by getting it directly from <br>
          <code>composer require drupal/printable</code>
        <li>Install this module\'s composer dependencies - they can be found in composer.json in the project directory. Run composer require for each dependency from the Drupal root:<br>
            composer require \'wa72/htmlpagedom\': \'1.3.*\'<br>
            composer require \'smalot/pdfparser\': \'*\'<br>
        <li>Enable printable:<br>
          <code>drush en -y printable</code>