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function print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_print_pdf_available_libs_alter in Printer, email and PDF versions 7.2

Implements hook_print_pdf_available_libs_alter().


print_pdf/lib_handlers/print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf/print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf.module, line 96
Generate a PDF for the print_pdf module using the wkhtmltopdf library.


function print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_print_pdf_available_libs_alter(&$pdf_tools) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'print', 'includes/print');
  $tools = _print_scan_libs('wkhtmltopdf', '!^wkhtmltopdf!');

  // See if there is a binary version of wkhtmltopdf available.
  if (drupal_substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 3) !== 'Win') {
    exec('export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin" ; which wkhtmltopdf', $binary_output, $binary_status);
    if (count($binary_output) > 0 && $binary_status == 0) {
      $tools[] = $binary_output[0];
  foreach ($tools as $tool) {
    $version = print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_pdf_tool_version($tool, TRUE);
    $pdf_tools['print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf|' . $tool] = 'wkhtmltopdf ' . $version . ' (' . $tool . ')';